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Posted: October 23rd, 2007, 17:38
by shot2bits
Dog Pants wrote:Ah right. There we go then, advanced warning - Hellgate appears to be distinctly mediocre. Like I said, I haven't read the review yet but I got the impression from the editorial that it was very grindy.
ive been having a fart about on it and i found i got bored quickly as a blademaster but i made an engineer and ive been having alot of fun. make drones run around and blow things up with dual rocket pistols, or smg's or rocket pistol and an smg or a rifle.

the quests are standard mmo sort of quests, go here kill X amount of this. although 2 did make me laugh, demons stole a small kids prosphetic leg and you had to get it back, the reward was his peg leg which the sword user characters can use as a weapon, and another quest which was going and killing typhoid mary

Posted: October 25th, 2007, 13:23
by deject
right bitches, I've got an EU account. What class should I make? I have a marksman with my US account.

Posted: October 25th, 2007, 13:48
by Lateralus
How long will the beta last? I'll not have the chance to actually try this until next week, and then it'll have to compete with teef.

Posted: October 25th, 2007, 13:49
by FatherJack
I only installed it last night, and only got the link to make an EU account today. It said it ends Saturday. Not exactly much opportunity to check it out, maybe I should just say it sucks without playing it and forget about it.

Posted: October 25th, 2007, 14:00
by Lateralus
I was only interested since I've never played a mmong before and this would have been a free opportunity to try one, but I'll go with that consensus.

This game sucks.

Posted: October 25th, 2007, 14:19
by Hehulk
Lateralus wrote:I've never played a mmong before and this would have been a free opportunity to try one
Pretty much any MMO going has free 2 week trials :P

Posted: October 25th, 2007, 15:28
by spoodie
Hmm, finding the time to download 4GB+ and then playing the game between now and Saturday, that's not likely to happen.

That settles it, it sucks.

Posted: October 25th, 2007, 15:35
by Lateralus
Then we're agreed. Should we tell them?

Posted: October 25th, 2007, 20:25
by FatherJack
Tried it for a bit tonight.

It plays a bit like a rather repetitive FPS. But it isn't an FPS, it's an MMO - so it's a rather repetitive FPS that never ends.

Some of the ideas, such as the skill tree would have been done well if it was a singleplayer game, kind of like Dark Messiah, but you only seem to get one per level, so it's the usual drip-feed of goodies designed to make you put hours into killing the same respawning monsters over and over.

It was laggy (not good for a shooter) and glitchy, but since it's a beta, I suppose that's forgiven - not all public betas are like TF2.

I played engineer, and the bot things you get are pretty cool. Quests are the usual "kill ten of these" - but it's way more satisfying to take down big bosses using your own skill at shooting and dodging, rather than clicking an attack button and hoping your character is strong enough, like in other MMOs. A room full of bad guys doesn't make you want to give up like City of Heroes does - something most other MMOs avoid by not having small, closed rooms. Even so, in pretty much all the others you can't survive long against two or more enemies of your level - in this you can (unless you charge into them all) which is a very welcome change, I'm truly sick of games where you have to pick off one or two enemies from a bunch and slowly progress through an area you could clear in a second with a well-placed hand grenade.

If they sorted out the bugs (it ran out of memory and dumped me in the end) it could be an okay alternative, but given the current situation where hardly anyone has time to download and play it before Saturday, they're not doing themselves any favours there.

I think it has still missed its calling - FPS gameplay + MMO hours don't marry in my view - in almost every other MMO you spend a lot of time just travelling and exploring. This goes for the Guild Wars-style small, safe, social areas surrounded by monster crawling slogs.

Obviously I haven't seen what's in store later, and haven't experienced being in a party - which most people say is the best thing about MMOs. I actually think it can be the worst, at least with people you don't know - everyone always seems to have done all the quests at least once before expecting you to know exactly what to do first time, don't take the time to read the quest details, just race to get the XP. Doesn't seem to me like you're actually playing the game anymore when you do that.

Posted: October 27th, 2007, 9:10
by Dog Pants
I've read the review now and it pretty much read the same as what FJ wrote up there ^. Far be it from me to trash a game before I've played it, this is just what I've read to counter the hype. Seems that it's pretty compelling in a Diablo-esque way, collecting more goodies to upgrade your stuff and returning to base to dump and sell. Sounds very close in fact. As FJ said though, apparently the FPS bit just doesn't work like you'd expect a modern FPS to. I'd still give it a trial though because reviews are subjective.