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Posted: February 6th, 2011, 18:23
by HereComesPete
Finished. And Leland better hide from Chopper, because he's super pissed!

Posted: February 6th, 2011, 18:40
by deject
HereComesPete wrote:Finished. And Leland better hide from Chopper, because he's super pissed!
:lol: Updates please!

Posted: February 6th, 2011, 18:54
by Joose

I'll write it up when I get a chance, it was highly amusing.

Posted: February 7th, 2011, 13:10
by Joose
Ok, so:

Frank moves the washer/dryer sliding door to one side, revealing a short staircase down to a sub basement. Ink flys his dragonfly down to investigate. At the bottom of the stairs is a purple curtain which the dragonfly gently pushes through to reveal a room beyond. The walls of this room are covered in heavy purple drapes, and in the centre is a large shallow pool, just over a foot deep in the middle, rising up on all sides. There is a single light source in the middle of the ceiling lighting the pool, which is reflecting off a golden shiny object submerged at the deepest point. Skirting around the outside of these drapes, a heavy vault style door is discovered on the far side of the room, covered by the drapes.

Frank and chopper join the dragonfly and spend several minutes discussing the pros and cons of trying to grab the shiney, as opposed to having a pee in the pool. Chopper is in favour of both. Lelands astral presence is requested to sense the pools ass, and he confirms the groups suspicions that there is magic afoot, but he can't identify the spell in question. Despite this, the is a few more mintues of discussion as to whether they should try and grab it anyway. Eventually they agree to get it on the way out, and go through the vault door.

Opening the door reveals a large, crudely constructed tunnel leading in a gentle curving slope downwards. Unlike the rooms they have been through so far, this tunnel appears to have been burrowed by animals, although they would have to be animals capable of digging through concrete. Activating his eyectro ears, Frank can hear sounds of industry coming from below. They move forward to investigate.

At the bottom of this fairly lengthy tunnel is a largish dome shaped chamber, filled with workbenches. At each of these workbenches are spaced out looking homeless people, silently working away constructing what appear to be gas bombs of some sort. Amidst these guys are four much larger looking guys, also homeless looking, milling about.

Frank and chopper take the obvious action of shooting them. Apparently because they are tall.

Ex-ex and an arrow fell them before they have much time to react, and the pair rejoice in their handiwork, with the rest of the homeless men now standing and staring at them, blankly. Frank attempts to get a closer view of the devices on the workbenches, but is faced by a sudden crowd of homeless. Even with his augmented muscles, he is unable to push through, so they are left alone.

On the opposite side of the chamber to where they entered is an exit, covered by a crudely constructed door. Nik takes advantage of the cracks and gaps, and sends the dragonfly to investigate. On the other side is a further corridor, forming a crossroads. Peeping the dragonfly around the corners, Nik spots two champs to the left and right, both similar in size to the main room, filled with what appear to be human sized fleshy eggs. A couple of large shapes can be seen moving around in each room. Straight on across the junction is another door, better constructed, with no gaps for a dragonfly to pass through. Chopper and Frank open the makeshift door to join the drone, and have a look through to these egg chambers themselves. The shapes spotted by the drone are identified as being similar to the four men that have just been reduced to paste, only with additional mandibles and compound eyes. Again, "kill it to death" is plan A, and frank unleashes ex-ex.

At this point I realise that I haven't been doing their armour rolls right, and the single round pops harmlessly against the big foods face. Oh dear. Frank opens up with full auto ex-ex, effectively ending any chance of coming out of this in profit, but combined with Choppers melee it squishes the big bug men.

After combat, they turn their attention to the other door. Finding it locked, Frank uses his "key" and the door pops open, revealing a short corridor and a second identical door. Suspecting the worst, they send the drone through first. It makes it without upset, so they follow.

And receive 5 points of stun damage each from the area affect spell anchored to the floor.

Shaking it off , they apply themselves to the second door, which pops ajar with similar ease. The drone peeps through the gap. Beyond is a large room, with a crudely constructed pedestal on the opposite side, made by simply piling up detritus. On top of this mound is an unassuming oriental male elf, quickly identified as Mr Tashima, the teams Mr Johnson from their first ever run together. He gives the drone a freindly smile and a wave. "come in!" he says. The only other occupants of the room are a pair of small homeless men carrying an egg away from Mr Tashima. Frank and Chopper enter the room.

"ahh, mr Ackerman, how nice to see you again. Won't you introduce me to your friend?"

After a moments confusion as to who he could possibly be referring to, Frank is introduced.

"Mr Nazum, please shoot your friend."

There is a tense moment as Frank resists a sudden urge to shoot Chopper in the face with a burst of ex-ex, but somewhat surprisingly, he disused the urge. Instead, he unloads into Tashima, and bullet time starts.

The rounds slam into Tashima, blowing holes in his body. His insides are revealed to be full of black sludge and maggoty things. He doesn't seem happy about this.

In return, Tashima belches onto the pair, a cloud of noxious breath enveloping them. Even through air filters, they are looking at a significant amount of stun damage next turn, on top of the 5 they already have.

Two giant ants materialise between the pair and mr Tashima, blocking any chance of a clear shot.

Tashima cackles madly, and the pair successfully resist the urge to run away. They are dismayed.

Chopper and Frank decide to cheese it. Franks robo-legs carry him far from combat, although the noxious breath takes him close to having a nap. Chopper is less lucky, face planting into the corridor just outside Tashimas chambers. Frank heroically continues to run away, hearing hideous screaming from behind him.

Nik, in an impressive feat of piloting skills, decides to send his LEBD to help the pair, neatly flying the helicopter like drone down the tight corridors. He reaches Frank just after the Orc has gotten back to the pool. True to his word, Frank has tried to retrieve the shiney from the pool, and is now having a rather damp sleep. Nik uses the drones handcuffs to retrieve both Frank and the shiny to the surface, taking care to keep what has now been identified as a small golden statue away from the van, in case the stun spell is focussed on it. A dragonfly is sent back to discover the fate of the unfortunate Chopper.

Surprisingly, it doesn't find a corpse or a chopper-fly. Instead, it finds the two ants are nowhere to be seen, and the now upright chopper is caving in the face of Tashima. Roman is as surprised by this as everyone else. Chopper turnes around and for a moment the drones sensors pick up a picture of his face, revealing entirely black eyes, before the crazed adept falls over again.

Meanwhile, topside, Al has called in Firewatch to the presence of the bugs nest, and dragged Frank into the medi-chair, which has nursed him back awake. Frank dashes back in to extract Choppers unconscious body before Firewatch arrives, and the team fucks off at speed. Successful run? Well, nobody died as such.

As an after run bit of fun, the team decide to take chopper to a medic, as the git refuses to wake up. Seeing as this has all the hallmarks of a magical affliction, they take him to the magical medic they took him to when he caught the ghoul strain of hmhvv...

...who isn't there any more. According to the neighbours, the guy hurriedly packed and left at roughly the same time or shortly after the team hit the bugs nest.

I'll work out karma etc later. Let me know if I've missed/got anything wrong.

Posted: February 7th, 2011, 14:52
by deject
:shock: oh dear

Will Leland's magics be of any use to Chopper? I know the run is over with but I'd like to assense Chopper and see how that's changed.

Assense (4) + Intuition (4): 2, 4, 2, 5, 4, 3, 6, 3: 2 hits.

Posted: February 7th, 2011, 14:57
by Joose
You can see that he seems to have entered into a Spirit Pact with something not altogether pleasant. You cant tell what he has a pact with, or what the exact pact is, or even if he did it intentionally. As he is still asleep, he cant tell you.

For those that dont know, Spirit Pacts are where a spirit gives a person something in return for a favour of some sort. The spirit could give the person use of one of its powers, or some boost to spells, that sort of thing. The favours can be anything from feeding it karma, to doing things it asks you to.

Posted: February 7th, 2011, 16:05
by deject
That is a bit worrying. Also it might be worth trying to track down the ghoul medic dude.

Posted: February 7th, 2011, 16:20
by Roman Totale
I think (out of character) that I've worked out what sort of pact it is, but I don't know with what.

Posted: February 7th, 2011, 17:58
by Dog Pants
You forgot the bit where Nik left his dragonfly behind.

Posted: February 7th, 2011, 19:33
by HereComesPete
deject wrote:That is a bit worrying. Also it might be worth trying to track down the ghoul medic dude.
The guy who Leland told Chopper it was fine to give a vial of blood...

Joose, how much do we owe N-zo?

Posted: February 7th, 2011, 20:22
by The Shutting Downs
2500 nuyen :)

Posted: February 7th, 2011, 20:28
by Dog Pants

Posted: February 7th, 2011, 21:09
by The Shutting Downs
You could have gotten his services for much cheaper.

Posted: February 7th, 2011, 21:17
by Dog Pants
We could have waited for my contacts to do the same for free. And I'm not giving you a phial of any of my bodily fluids.

Posted: February 7th, 2011, 21:19
by The Shutting Downs
No, thats fine, Al can keep any and all fluids he has.

Posted: February 7th, 2011, 22:05
by HereComesPete
Frank will send a Thermos flask full of urine, it's still warm.

Posted: February 7th, 2011, 22:10
by deject
Hey man, money is money. Besides, no one objected in any way to making the deal. If it's that big of an issue, let's hunt the guy down and whack him.

Is there any indication that the guy taking off and the bug spirits stuff related in any way?

Posted: February 7th, 2011, 22:21
by Dog Pants
Nah, Leland's right. A deal's a deal, and I'd planned on making more off that. Which is why I delayed calling Firewatch until Frank and Chopper were really in the shit. Luckily all it cost me was a few bottle of vodka to reimburse Nik.

Posted: February 7th, 2011, 22:30
by HereComesPete
It's not a protest at the cost, it's just that Frank gets easily confused with thinking about anything other than guns and decided bodily fluids were meant to be sent.

Also, out of character I know how much of a mess our guys are making and the extra work N-zo is doing to clean up (and spy on us all) So I'll not piss him off unless Frank is likely to do it by mistake.
Frank wrote:Well that went well, I'm gonna get some bug headed guys tattooed on me. How are we gonna wake up Chopper? Guess we gotta hunt down the spirit dude and fuck him up too.
Frank actually fired off 5100¥, not that his discount helps for much when he spams ex ex rounds at bugs.

Posted: February 12th, 2011, 20:03
by HereComesPete
Joose, can we get numbers and such.

I would like to do downtime and get that new gun sorted!
Frank wrote:Hey guys, I'll foot the bill of N-zo's, I asked him all the questions so I'll spare the nuyen.
After that foray Frank is down to a measly 97k ¥ in savings. Ah well.