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Posted: October 11th, 2006, 11:30
by Loxy
TY, can I release the machine that is reserved for your brother??

Posted: October 11th, 2006, 15:41
by Fred Woogle
Yes you can :)

*edit* wooooo I woke up early and have time to come online woooo *edit*

Posted: October 11th, 2006, 18:07
by Hehulk
So who do I send payment too? Or shall I just pay there?

Posted: October 11th, 2006, 19:02
by Loxy
Ty has put the wheels in motions to pay me what 5punk owes, so you owe him.

Posted: October 14th, 2006, 13:03
by Loxy
Ty, you have a PM. Can you contact me please?

Posted: October 14th, 2006, 23:41
by Loxy
Incidentally people - we'll have a webcam that refreshes the picture every 30 seconds at the Lan - on own new site, which will be launched at the same time as the Lan starts!!

Posted: October 15th, 2006, 11:54
by TezzRexx
Loxy wrote:Incidentally people - we'll have a webcam that refreshes the picture every 30 seconds at the Lan - on own new site, which will be launched at the same time as the Lan starts!!
Awesome 8)

Posted: October 15th, 2006, 12:12
by Loxy
I need all the money from your lot though - I haven't had it yet!

Posted: October 15th, 2006, 12:18
by Fred Woogle
Did you get my text? I generally check the forum from my phone, so didn't see there was a pm. sorry, but money must still be in transit.

Posted: October 15th, 2006, 12:37
by Loxy
I'd tried every other way of msg-ing in order to get hold of you Ty, and yes I got a reply off you a moment ago, to which I have replied with another text and have also PM'ed a replied to you via this, though I have PM'ed you before too!

Tezz Rexx
Dog Pants
Prof Hawking

Could you guys please let me know your ages - you are all supposed to be over 18 and I just need to be sure you are. :) Thanks.

Posted: October 15th, 2006, 12:49
by Dog Pants
I'm 28.

Posted: October 15th, 2006, 12:51
by Loxy
Cool - thanks! I'm sorry to have to ask you all....but I don't want to be worrying about this next week!

(You can PM me, if you prefer not to post on here.)

Posted: October 15th, 2006, 13:28
by ProfHawking
this is very embarrassing. im actually 48 but i have the same affliction as garry coleman

Posted: October 15th, 2006, 13:41
by TheJockGit
I'm 42 in November. :cry:

Posted: October 15th, 2006, 13:44
by TheJockGit
ProfHawking wrote:this is very embarrassing. im actually 48 but i have the same affliction as garry coleman

You mean ya can't stop staring at wummins tits??

Posted: October 15th, 2006, 14:25
by Hehulk
I'm a nice spry 19 :)

Posted: October 15th, 2006, 15:20
by Loxy
thanks y'all.

Posted: October 15th, 2006, 16:07
by webclam
TheJockGit wrote: Image
You mean ya can't stop staring at wummins tits??
that's not a woman, it's something built from an ikea kit.

AND you lost the instructions

Posted: October 15th, 2006, 18:49
by Loxy
Well then it's all looking great for the Lan for you lot....just need your cash from Ty and I'll be content! :P

Posted: October 15th, 2006, 22:04
by TezzRexx
I'm 19 8D

I, like Proff, also have a problem with staring a wummin's tits.

I can't help being the Hetrosexual-Hero™.