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Posted: July 9th, 2007, 6:10
by Joose
MIkkyo wrote:I used to wrok in a PC repair shop, family owned buisness. 9/10 the problems were caused by spyware due to frequent porn site visits/downloads and limewire style programs. A lot of the time finding porn on the computers wasn't a deliberate action, its just sitting there when you're looking for the problems. Most of the time we would just have to Format and re-install O/S because the whole thing was porn infested.

We had two kinds of fix in the one I worked at.

a)the kind where you know exactly whats wrong when you first look at it, and fixing it takes under 5mins.

b)reinstall windows.

Posted: July 9th, 2007, 6:35
by FatherJack
Joose wrote:a)the kind where you know exactly whats wrong when you first look at it, and fixing it takes under 5mins.
b)reinstall windows.
They're fairly universal, although a) is normally only attempted if you fancy the user.