I love TS and find that on the few occasions where I'm playing but not on TS then a large part of what I find enjoyable in the game is lost to me. It took me a while to start using it, mostly due to the whole "zomg talking to intarweb peoples" thing, but I now love it. However, that is all restricted to 5punk, and I have VOIP disabled wherever else I can. I find that the seamless blend of serious tactics and info with abuse and banter works very well. As a result, 5punkers in beef very often not only giggle like loons throughout a map, but can also do very well. Unless you're deject, in which case Beef is a Serious Business.
Or the old classic of getting your mute muddled, so you mute yourself when you're trying to talk to 5punkers and unmute yourself when you're talking to real people.
I only found out about that one when Roman made a smart comment and everyone started laughing at me.
i still don't really understand how the voice activation thing works, i do it by pressing a button, wich is frankly quite annoying. but i need to speak more before i do that, i guess you just have to get used to it (coming to a lan/bash sometime might possibly help me)
well, that's what it didn't do with my mic, it only seemed to respond when i literally shouted at it, but i'll look in to it when i get back, i've probably just overlooked something like i usually do.
Mr. Johnson wrote:well, that's what it didn't do with my mic, it only seemed to respond when i literally shouted at it, but i'll look in to it when i get back, i've probably just overlooked something like i usually do.
You can adjust the sensitivity in TS.
Personally I prefer having to press a button rather than voice activation. I use a button on my mouse so it's fine and I'm used to it, unless I have to shoot someone then I have to release the talk button. Maybe I'll try voice activation but I always feel a bit self-concious with that on.
I used to use my middle mouse button for voice, which resulted in me blowing smoke/flares whenever I spoke in BEEF and twatting people with my rifle in CoD. I just use the voice activation and mute button now.
I still remember when I first came on to TS. Sounded to me like everyone was talking in tongues, a constant mish-mash of accents. You soon get used to who people are by the way they sound e.g. Woo sounds like a extra off the Vicar of Dibley, every second werd of Berk's is a swear or 'Thats what she said', Deject sounds like all americans should so on and so forth
Yeah learning everyone's voices is almost essential these days. I know quite a few of you guy's TS voices (as Skype tells me TS colors everyone's voice a bit).
The lack of TS Overlay in Beef used to irritate me, but I know all the regular beefers by voice now, except for chicken who I know by his incessant chewing.
Lateralus wrote:The lack of TS Overlay in Beef used to irritate me, but I know all the regular beefers by voice now, except for chicken who I know by his incessant chewing.
Or the constant giggling/bitching like a stoned 13 year old.