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Posted: March 1st, 2007, 18:29
by Roman Totale
Dr. kitteny berk wrote:
not to mention I really wouldn't say any 5punkers are actually good at counterstrike
Except for
RO-BO of course, but that generally goes without saying.

Posted: March 1st, 2007, 18:30
by Dog Pants
CS:S - Playing with randoms is shite, playing with 5punkers is as good as any other game we get a lot of people playing, and none of us are that good.
BEEF/Futurebeef - I honestly prefer 2142 to BEEF. 2142 has less smacktalk, especially from 5punkers, and it seems more balanced than BEEF. However, it doesn't mean I won't play BEEF if it's scheduled and I can make it.
Company of Heroes - I do own this, but I didn't really like it.
Historically, games only seem to catch on if they're put on the scheduler and there's talk about them on the forums.
Posted: March 1st, 2007, 18:58
by Gunslinger42
Dog Pants wrote:BEEF/Futurebeef - I honestly prefer 2142 to BEEF. 2142 has less smacktalk, especially from 5punkers, and it seems more balanced than BEEF. However, it doesn't mean I won't play BEEF if it's scheduled and I can make it.
That goes for me too. I generally don't like public BF2 servers, but it wouldn't really stop me hopping on one every now and then if there's enough 5punkers interested, since having a bunch of us in a squad spazzing out together can usually make up for any annoyances from randoms.
Posted: March 1st, 2007, 19:02
by Chickenz
Gunslinger42 wrote:
That goes for me too. I generally don't like public BF2 servers, but it wouldn't really stop me hopping on one every now and then if there's enough 5punkers interested, since having a bunch of us in a squad spazzing out together can usually make up for any annoyances from randoms.
Theres always the option of asking Berk to turn on the unranked BF2 server again, like you said your pointy whoring on 2142 now and not BF2.
Posted: March 1st, 2007, 19:59
by TezzRexx
Grimmie wrote:Joose and his wood/horses come to mind.
Grimmie getting Wooden-Horse-rage = best thing ever

Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 8:45
by Woo Elephant Yeah
I think my lack of controlling the 5cheduler like I used to has had some effect on 5punk overall in recent months.
Basically I now seem to have less time to play games than ever, and even though my enthusiasm for 5punk is as high as it ever was, my enthusiasm for gaming has dropped somewhat.
This means I'm stuck in a bit of no mans land here, where people suggest things, and in the past I would have scheduled it, pimped it, and made sure ti was regularly booked into the 5cheduler.
Now I've kind of handed over the whole thing to all fo you lot to organise, and obviously this has caused a bit of a "meh" situation when it comes to regular games on 5punk.
My gaming sums up to about 3hours a week if I'm lucky now, so you have to understand why it's dificult for me to go back to the way I used to eb scheduling everything under the sun.
The key thing is for all the moderators of the main games to actively sort out schedules for their games, and vote on days/timeslots, and stick with it.
Other than the game being timeless, the reason COD:UO has stood the test of time is that it's a regular slot as far back as I remember. People in general like this as they know they can log on and they are guaranteed to see 5punkers playing the game.
The other reason for this lull is the lack of any new games.
Other than BF2142, what else has come out MP friendly that 5punkers all seem to love? Nothing.
No matter how much we want to think that PC gaming isn't dying, it's definitely become a lot slower on the release front, and this has had a direct impact on the community as a whole.
Not saying this is

time, but simply we need to be patient before we can get our teeth into any newer meatier titles coming out.
HL2 Ep2 being massively delayed hasn't helped either because TF2 was looking to be a very popular game amongst the 5punkers, and Quake Wars being pushed back is even more annoying.
The only way we will get through this rocky patch in our gaming is to make sure we 5chedule absolutely everything, and then moderators need to pimp things a bit harder.
I'm as guilty as the rest, as I moderate COD, and that's the least active forum, but one of the highest played games, but we can always do better.
I'll post a game suggestion thread in the main 5punk forum later on, and then we can put the suggested games up for a vote.
I think it's a testament that 5punk keeps it's user base as well as it does, as being a gaming community as opposed to a specific game clan is far harder to maintain interest/members.
Also, if everyone pimped the game to other gamers they know both online and in the "Real World", the influx of new members could help reinvigorate the amount of games we play. Plus it would make me happy

Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 11:25
by spoodie
I enjoyed FEAR last night, I could do more of that.
Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 11:28
by Dr. kitteny berk
yup, FEAR is getting my attention as the next good 5punk game, it's free, it'll run on anything (if you turn the prettiness down)
Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 11:34
by Hehulk
Fear you say? Free you say?
Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 11:36
by Dr. kitteny berk
FEAR combat, you need both of
Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 11:47
by spoodie
You also need to register for a free cd-key don't you?:
I have the game so not applicable to me.
Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 11:48
by fabyak
I too shall investigate this
Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 11:48
by Dr. kitteny berk
ahh, yeah, you do need to register for a key
Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 11:50
by Lateralus
Also, when I tried to join last night it tried to download something, which failed. Also I couldn't download the map pack of deject's quickly enough for my attention-span at the time, so didn't bother. I will tonight though in case the beef rage comes on too quickly. However, I reckon killing people with a sliding tackle is nearly as good as throwing toilets at them.
Did we establish that alternative custom maps will work with fear combat?
Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 12:22
by Dog Pants
We go through two of the custom maps. One of them borks at the end but is quite nice (in a COD-monopoly way), the other looks lovely and is quite close-up, but needs more than the four players we had because it's pretty large.
Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 12:40
by tandino
Dr. kitteny berk wrote:FEAR combat, you need both of
As I've just upgraded to a new, shiny BFG 7800 and upped my RAM to 2gb, I'm gonna see how FEAR plays. Once I've downloaded the files from hairyarse (cheers Berk) I'll install and join you fuckers very soon.
I reckon there'll be a lot of demand for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. multiplayer when we're blessed with it officially at the end of this month. It runs nicely on my 7800 but the extra RAM (from 1.5 - 2) made a huge difference.
Posted: March 2nd, 2007, 14:37
by Gunslinger42
I demand more FEAR. Last night's game was excellent.
I like how that one map has unofficially turned into a boxing match rather than a normal shooty shooty match.
Posted: March 3rd, 2007, 16:07
by MrGreen
NOLF2 damnit!
From the top of my head, Me, Deject, Womble and Sheriff have it.
Fun, includes multi player co-op, low system requirements, genuine hilarity is a usual. Freaking weird weapons. These are all really what 5punkers like.
also, there is a Co-Op mod for HL2, it wouldn't it be fun going through Ravenholm with a bunch of trigger happy, drunk 5punkers.
Posted: March 3rd, 2007, 16:18
by Grimmie
MrGreen wrote:there is a Co-Op mod for HL2, it wouldn't it be fun going through Ravenholm with a bunch of trigger happy, drunk 5punkers.
The only one I know of is Follow Freeman, which is in beta. The only maps available are Route Kanal / Water Hazzard. I've already told Berk about this though.
Posted: March 3rd, 2007, 16:22
by MrGreen
Grimmie wrote:
The only one I know of is Follow Freeman, which is in beta. The only maps available are Route Kanal / Water Hazzard. I've already told Berk about this though.
This is called Half Life 2: Co Operation
No servers, so I haven't tested it out, but it should be ok.
EDIT* Oh, looks like there is only one C17 map to play on.