Eclipse Phase: Glory

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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by fabyak »

C-Rep (40): 2,2,+0

G-Rep (30): 5,1

Partial win!
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by Joose »

FatherJack wrote:I have good @, C, I and R rep, what do I need to roll against what?

Is it 2d10 to make a percentage, and presumably I have to get under the target as it increases with skill?
Yep! Sometimes when using rep for stuff there may be other rolls that follow, as this first roll is really just a case of finding the right guy. It seems a bit of unnecessary faff for what we are doing here though, so the one roll will do.
@=45: 9,4
C=45: 4,10
I=55: 10,3
R=60: 10,6

Is that 94, 40, 3 and 6? Nice.
not too shabby. Your @ roll failed (obviously) but the other three are all passes, with the I and R particularly good rolls. From your various scientist community contacts and a couple of people you know from Firewall you find that in the last two months (so a period covering just before she came to Locus and just after) she received big favours from two individuals: a Mason Wang and a Morteza Bey. A few days after arriving in Locus she got a shuttle transport to a hab called Casa Arturo, in the Jovian Greeks (a bunch of asteroids that follow behind the orbit of Jupiter) where she pulled a massive favour to borrow a small spacecraft called the Kesyrah. She is overdue on returning that craft, and the owner is a bit pissed about it. Its a particularly nice fast ship, but its only small so the max range on it couldn't have taken her that far out from the Jovian Greeks (although that still gives you an area hundreds of thousands of km across).
Is this just something I do myself or do I have to ask my muse to post messages on my behalf?
You can get your Muse to do post messages for you, but as you are not doing anything else at the same time at the moment there would be no advantage in doing so. Its like the difference between writing a letter yourself or getting your PA to do it.
fabyak wrote:C-Rep (40): 2,2,+0

G-Rep (30): 5,1

Partial win!
You don't get anything particularly useful from your criminal contacts, but a guy you know knows someone from Vishnukam. Whilst Yu was there (or rather, whilst her forks were there) she interviewed the Air Marshall (the guy who runs the station) and a number of other government officials based on the station. She also researched a criminal gang known as the White Khanhs.

Its occurred to me that you might not know what a fork is: you can make a fork by taking an uploaded copy of your mind (your Ego) and trimming out all the bits you don't need to do a job. It can then be sent off to do something for you, and when it comes back you reintegrate that edited copy of yourself with your proper Ego, thereby acquiring all the memories and the like it picked up on its travels. It has the advantages of going somewhere and doing something yourself without any of the dangers of risking yourself in the process. The editing is partially for security (if your fork doesn't need to know your bank codes then editing them out means no one can kidnap your fork and horse them to give out your bank codes, for example) and partially for cost (a fork is less data than a full ego, so is cheaper to transmit). Its pretty common practice, but can go wrong .Forks that haven't been edited enough and/or are left to their own devices for too long start to develop into their own individual personalities and might not want to come back and be reintegrated. Or your fork might go mental and commit a crime that you then get done for. Or it might get infected with something horrible and pass that infection on to you when you reintegrate. These are not common occurrences, but they happen often enough to be well known forking horror stories.)
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by Dog Pants »

We seem to have a timeline forming:

Sends forks to Vishnukam (Earth orbit)
Forks talk to government people and look into White Khanh gang.
Arrives in Locus (Jovian Trojans) by Egocast, into a Ghost Morph
Catches a shuttle to Casa Arturo (Jovian Greeks)
Borrows the Kesyrah and flies off into the sunset

I can see three glaring blanks in there - where did she send the forks from, what did she do while the forks were doing their thing, and where did she go after Casa Arturo. It's likely that she egocast to Locus from the same place she sent the forks, and was either busy there or didn't want to spend money on going herself. Either way, it was a lower priority than whatever she was doing. When she arrives in Locus she's expecting some sort of trouble, either looking for it or thinking it's looking for her. I'd edge on the side of the former at the moment - if she was running from someone she's not doing a great job of hiding, so she might be chasing someone. That ship isn't going to get her much outside the Greeks, not even as far as the shuttle, which presumably had to go around Jupiter to get from one to the other.

So, I can think of these things to do:

Find out from Locus egocast records where the transmission originated.
Find out from Vishnukam egocast records where fork transmission originated.
Research places of interest in the Jovian Greeks.
Possibly see if there's anyone else who went from her place of origin to Locus, then to the Greeks.
Find out what she was up to in Locus for the few days she was there.

What do you guys think?
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by Joose »

Fab? FJ?
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by fabyak »

Probably best auto me for the moment, Mrs Fab had to go into hospital a couple of days back with acute labyrinthitis which has utterly fucked her balance for now and her vision is a bit off so needs my help a lot. Combining that with Yaklet dealing with and I have very little time to call mine! Hopefully will be back to normal in a few days but best not to hold it up on my account for now
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by Joose »

Sorry to hear that Fab, hope she feels better soon! Give her our beardy-best wishes and all that.

My ability to keep things up to date is probably going to be a little stressed over the next few days too, what with Christmas and family time and other such inconveniences. I can imagine the same can be said for DP and FJ to greater or lesser degrees, so shall we just put it on pause till after crimbles? Aim to get going again next week?
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by Dog Pants »

That's okay with me. I have family visiting me for a change so I have time, but better to continue when everyone can concentrate on the game. Don't forget though!
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by Joose »

Dog Pants wrote:Don't forget though!
I've stuck a reminder in my phone, but do remind me if that doesn't work.
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by Joose »

Right, game time go again?

Pants has sketched out a possible timeline and a couple of routes of investigation:
Dog Pants wrote:Sends forks to Vishnukam (Earth orbit)
Forks talk to government people and look into White Khanh gang.
Arrives in Locus (Jovian Trojans) by Egocast, into a Ghost Morph
Catches a shuttle to Casa Arturo (Jovian Greeks)
Borrows the Kesyrah and flies off into the sunset

I can see three glaring blanks in there - where did she send the forks from, what did she do while the forks were doing their thing, and where did she go after Casa Arturo. It's likely that she egocast to Locus from the same place she sent the forks, and was either busy there or didn't want to spend money on going herself. Either way, it was a lower priority than whatever she was doing. When she arrives in Locus she's expecting some sort of trouble, either looking for it or thinking it's looking for her. I'd edge on the side of the former at the moment - if she was running from someone she's not doing a great job of hiding, so she might be chasing someone. That ship isn't going to get her much outside the Greeks, not even as far as the shuttle, which presumably had to go around Jupiter to get from one to the other.

So, I can think of these things to do:

Find out from Locus egocast records where the transmission originated.
Find out from Vishnukam egocast records where fork transmission originated.
Research places of interest in the Jovian Greeks.
Possibly see if there's anyone else who went from her place of origin to Locus, then to the Greeks.
Find out what she was up to in Locus for the few days she was there.
Fab, FJ, any thoughts?

By the way, feel free to ask if there is something you are not sure about that you think your character would know about. I'll explain it to the level your characters would know.
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by FatherJack »

I'm still familied up for a couple of days yet, and my concentration and presence has been scant on here as a result. I'll have a proper read-through when things have calmed down, I confess there's very little that's making sense to me at this exact moment with all my distractions (ie: stuff still cooking downstairs) - the jump from your post to Pants' summary I really need to study as I got only fraction of that, yet I guess my character would be nodding and agreeing and having her own thoughts.
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by Joose »

FJ? Had a chance to puzzle things out yet?
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by fabyak »

Although starting at the beginning might be a good... errr... beginning I wouldn't mind looking around where the Jovian Greeks are to find out if they knew anything about her and/or anyone came asking after her when she'd gone
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by FatherJack »

Since were supposed to be finding her, finding the craft she's overdue on seems like the most direct way of doing that. The owner of the Kesyrah might have some way of tracking it or finding it if we ask, but without any idea of where she's going we might never find her. Researching stuff beforehand might give us more idea on what we might find as well as where, but won't actually change what we do eventually find and might delay us too long.

I guess it would be too easy to find her and ask her, so I don't anticipate that's what will happen, but Usagi's character is one that prefers to get out where the action is, then do all the explanations later. Her experience in police work was pretty much entirely with grisly murders, the procedure for which being that you generally start at the last known location and work backwards.
Usagi wrote:I think we should head to last known locate. From there we may find out where she go...or where she been.
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by Dog Pants »

DCOM wrote:I think I will work better on the ground. Ground? Erm, deck. Surface. I think I will work better in person.
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by Joose »

So, what's your next step?
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by FatherJack »

Get us to the Greek(s)?

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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by Dog Pants »

Assuming that she's still somewhere in the vicinity of Jupiter, yes lets head for the Greeks.
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by Joose »

I'm going to assume you mean Casa Arturo specifically, as the Greeks as a whole cover a pretty big area. You will need to organise transport there, but Prof Ming did mention that he could organise transport for you to Locus. Locus is far closer to the Greeks than you are right now, so you would probably be able to hitch a ride from Locus to Casa Arturo easily. Alternatively, he might be able to get transport for you direct. Someone want to give him a call?
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by Dog Pants »

If we can get an easy ride to Locus it might be worth heading to Casa Arturo via there anyway and we can follow her tracks a little, do a bit of research along the way.
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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Post by fabyak »

Unlabelled will stare at the others in turn until someone makes the call
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