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Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 20th, 2011, 15:07
by deject
spoodie wrote:Stoat wrote:grand prize is all of Steam.
I'm not sure I'd want that, it sounds scary. And I already have all the games I want. Also I'm not going to buy games just to complete those objectives, that's silly. I'll have Singularity for £3.74 though.
Singularity was rather good IMO. Interesting premise and a very Bioshock-esque presentation. It's a competent shooter that's well worth 4 quid at a minimum.
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 20th, 2011, 22:48
by Dog Pants
Got 5 of the achievements so far, equating to one (useless) discount and 5 pieces of coal. I hope handing in that coal doesn't net me another piece of coal.
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 21st, 2011, 0:05
by Fred Woogle
I've traded a few random bits, I now have 6 coals, 33& off Valve, 50% off Wings of Prey.
But I'm almost out of stuff to trade :'(
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 21st, 2011, 2:29
by Stoat
I rented Singularity. My expectations were neatly lowered at the beginning of the introductory level, where you find a microphone that plays a recording.
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 21st, 2011, 2:43
by FatherJack
Stoat wrote:I rented Singularity. My expectations were neatly lowered at the beginning of the introductory level, where you find a microphone that plays a recording.
Microphones do work as speakers, just not very good ones.
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 21st, 2011, 10:41
by spoodie
FatherJack wrote:Stoat wrote:I rented Singularity. My expectations were neatly lowered at the beginning of the introductory level, where you find a microphone that plays a recording.
Microphones do work as speakers, just not very good ones.
And it's true the other way isn't it? The mechanism is basically the same, just built for different functions.
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 21st, 2011, 11:24
by spoodie
Costume Quest special today. That's a nice RPG-lite game from Double Fine. Although the combat is extremely basic.
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 21st, 2011, 11:40
by Sol
spoodie wrote:FatherJack wrote:Stoat wrote:I rented Singularity. My expectations were neatly lowered at the beginning of the introductory level, where you find a microphone that plays a recording.
Microphones do work as speakers, just not very good ones.
And it's true the other way isn't it? The mechanism is basically the same, just built for different functions.
a 6" speaker, rewired and placed inside a bass drum gets a very nice low end. Obviously you need another mic in there because the rest of it is shit.
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 21st, 2011, 18:22
by Joose
Blimey, Batman: Arkham City is £20 today!
That is a seriously good game. Well worth the money at that price.
Also of note: Defence Grid for £1.74 (although I imagine nearly everyone has it already), and Monday Night Combat for £1.99 (a lot of people dismissed it as a Teef knockoff, but its actually pretty good. Certainly £1.99 worth of good.)
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 21st, 2011, 22:11
by Dog Pants
Ooh, I traded 7 coal and got VVVVVVV
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 21st, 2011, 22:31
by fabyak
Dog Pants wrote:Ooh, I traded 7 coal and got VVVVVVV
Woo! Just watched the video for that and my mind hurts now
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 21st, 2011, 22:33
by Dog Pants
It has a nice Speccy loading screen and 8-bit music. I had a cynical thought though, I wonder if anyone will win anything on their wishlist. I also wonder which games are up as being gifts. Not Skyrim, I'll warrant.
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 21st, 2011, 22:40
by FatherJack
Dog Pants wrote:I wonder if anyone will win anything on their wishlist.
Well, 33% off any Valve game wasn't on my wishlist, as I own every thing they have ever made, so I'd guess it's random and they're not checking against anything you currently own, or want.
I had asked Father Christmas for a lump of coal though.
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 21st, 2011, 22:43
by Joose
On that note, anyone want 50% off SupCom2? Or 50% off Valve things?
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 21st, 2011, 22:57
by Dog Pants
FatherJack wrote:Dog Pants wrote:I wonder if anyone will win anything on their wishlist.
Well, 33% off any Valve game wasn't on my wishlist, as I own every thing they have ever made, so I'd guess it's random and they're not checking against anything you currently own, or want.
I had asked Father Christmas for a lump of coal though.
That's my point. And I don't believe it's true, but a cynical ploy would be to only give away games not on the wishlist, as people are presumably likely to buy the ones that are. I would say it's random from a specific selection though, or at least that more recent and expensive games have far lower odds. I don't think it's a coincidence I won a game on sale for 99p.
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 22nd, 2011, 1:59
by FatherJack
Dog Pants wrote: people are presumably likely to buy the ones that are.
I guess that's probably true for a lot of people, but the games on
my wishlist are there specifically for these competitions, in that I either wouldn't buy them at all, but would quite gratefully take them for free, with the ones that bubble to the top being games I
would buy, but not at the current price.
Dog Pants wrote: a cynical ploy would be to only give away games not on the wishlist
I prefer to view it as random, which is not to say that the
pool of winnable games isn't limited or the figures aren't massaged such that they don't give away too many currently-high-priced titles, but that there isn't any active processing on a per-user basis involved when selecting a prize.
The trading idea is good though, I think I have a %age off TellTale games which is probably worth more currency than the Valve one, plus a million of TF2 items should they be included.
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 22nd, 2011, 18:08
by Dog Pants
Well, I don't have one of the games in today's challenges. However, I grabbed Defcon for £1.50. It's something I always felt I should own even though I wasn't convinced by it.
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 22nd, 2011, 18:42
by Mr. Johnson
I now have a whole bunch of games I probably won't play very long. It's just that they're so damn cheap.
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 22nd, 2011, 19:07
by HereComesPete
I've got 50% off shadowgrounds survivor if anyone wants?
Re: Oh fuck.
Posted: December 22nd, 2011, 20:13
by FatherJack
Prob worth noting that the vouchers (at least the ones I have) are only valid between 2nd Jan and 1st Mar - ie: after the sales.