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Posted: September 21st, 2010, 17:36
by Roman Totale
deject wrote:That 30mm chain gun seemed like it was weak.
Shit load of Hydras on it though.
Posted: September 21st, 2010, 19:50
by buzzmong
That MoH video garnered a "holy shit" in it the opening seconds. Those environment graphics are almost realistic.
Posted: September 21st, 2010, 19:56
by Mr. Johnson
I've pre-ordered dead rising and MoH. but I'm thinking about cancelling dead rising 2 and waiting for a steam sale. MoH seems to have potential for 5punkers so I'm not cancelling that.
Posted: September 21st, 2010, 20:02
by FatherJack
buzzmong wrote:That CoD video garnered a "holy shit" in it the opening seconds. Those environment graphics are almost realistic.
MoH. Looked at least part pre-rendered - there was no light cast on the scenery by the explosions or rocket flares - so a bit cheaty.
Posted: September 21st, 2010, 20:26
by HereComesPete
Joose wrote:
Incorrecto. well, yeah you need the two previous expansions, but you don't need to get a character levelled. Indeed, the fact that I can make a new dood and have a whole load of new low end content to run it through is the main thing im looking forward to it for.
Not that I imagine that will sway you, of course

Damn you!
Posted: September 21st, 2010, 20:54
by deject
FatherJack wrote:
MoH. Looked at least part pre-rendered - there was no light cast on the scenery by the explosions or rocket flares - so a bit cheaty.
Yeah that bugged me.
Posted: September 21st, 2010, 23:55
by TezzRexx
I was considering Dead Rising 2 but I'll wait for the reviews to come out - along with confirmation that they've sorted the broken save system
The only games I'm certain to buy this year are Fifa 11 and LBP 2.
Posted: September 25th, 2010, 1:07
by FatherJack
Not doing very well on the not buying all the games front so far. While I resisted Dead Rising 2, I've grabbed F1 2010 and caved and bought Civ5.
F1 is great, has Spa and the night race the last one lacked and is a decent challenge even on Easy. This is a good thing, IRL few people could manage to drive an F1 car out of the garage, and the last one was far too easy even with a crap car. They've also dropped the execrable pit-stop QTE.
Civ5, hmm. I'm trying to learn how to play. The tutorial seems to simply present scenarios you have to figure out, along with menus upon sub-menus of text about stuff you don't need to know yet. It doesn't tell you how to do anything.
I've been a while away from true turn-based games, such that I'm used to the Total War definition of a turn - ie: I can do at least 20 awesome things each go, not umm.. move a single square.
I've redownloaded Civ4 in the hopes that the tutorial in that might give me some pointers, but surely that points towards a major flaw in the design, at least for people new to the series.