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Posted: January 2nd, 2009, 23:11
by Sol
Running down a fight of stairs at a party only slip at the last step, slide across the hall on my face and knock myself out on the front door.

Blacked out on top of a hill, only to awake several hours later at a train station many miles away from my home, with my shoe laces tied together, apparently i was carried there.

Unconvincingly hid behind a newspaper on a train packed full of people to snog a girl while my mate had a wee in a coffee cup.

Counted down new years a minute early, so that everyone joined in and let all their party poppers off and had merriment, halfway through Jools Holland's piano solo.

Woke up, on a wicker sofa, next to a girl I had fancied for a while at a party, half naked and covered in love bites (i looked like a burns victim) with no recollection of how it happened.

Stole a girl's first kiss because she kept biting my finger.

Woke up fully clothed, shoes and all bar my trousers in my friend's bed after an apparently good 18th birthday party.

I think there's more... :lol:

Posted: January 2nd, 2009, 23:55
by Grimmie
Sol's a ladies man.

Posted: January 3rd, 2009, 0:06
by Roman Totale

Posted: January 3rd, 2009, 0:20
by shot2bits
just remembered

going out a couple years ago with some people from college and spent 50 quid on snakebites and drank half of everyone elses drinks cos they kept leaving them when they went to the toilet. at some point i danced alone to the specials and ended up playing knuckles with a goth who wasnt actually pissed so i ended up with very bloody knuckles and throwing a 50p across a pub for half an hour, on the way back home i walked through central brighton backwards while taking a piss (my logic being if i walk backwalks no one would be able to see my shlong) and dancing outside a gaybar, finally got on a bus and cleared out the top floor cos i was singing to the marina and when i got home collapsed in bed and threw up purple all over my room

Posted: January 3rd, 2009, 1:18
by HereComesPete
Here goes -

At three years old I drank a bottle of brut from my mum and dads dressing table, they took me to hospital and found I'd happily drunk all of it bar a few drops that I'd dribbled on to myself.

At five years old I was sat under a table in a pub whilst my dad and his mates watched the footy, I stole a few pints and drank them, ended up in hospital again.

At nine years old I went to an aunts house for new year and stole a load of beer with my cousin, we both drank so much we couldn't move. No one noticed because they were downstairs drunk. They found us both still unconscious the next morning surrounded by multiple piles of vomit.

Thirteen years old me and a mate got his sister to buy us three litres of scrumpy jack and 24 cans of stella each. We drank pretty much all of it at a cricket club do. People were trying to steal what beer we had left so we crawled under a cover, they attempted to roll it off us and my leg stopped it. I awoke the next day in my own bed to be told my friend had been found in someone's garden with his pants round his ankles, he'd fallen over their wall whilst pissing on it and passed out. I made it to his mums where I passed out as she opened the front door. My mum and dad had been holding a rather posh party for some business clients and had to abandon it to pick me up. My right leg was black with bruising for weeks after.

My sixteenth birthday saw me and a load of friends go to my local, a very nice pub three doors from my house. We all had a few bevies and a nice meal, then my friend gave me my last pint, a pint that he'd sneakily slipped a shot of baileys into, it bounced off my full stomach and made me spray vomit all over their restaurant, lounge and toilets as I ran for the porcelain. My dad paid for the clean up and the meal.

I'll put my uni ones up at some point, there's a few. :)

Posted: January 3rd, 2009, 1:33
by Dr. kitteny berk
I've not got that many good ones that you don't know about, but still

Many years ago, night out, did about 30 shots of vodka on an empty stomach, body rejected it over a table in the bar, bouncers applied me to the pavement, I wandered off and (apparently) ended up attempting to wank in the street.

Later that year (I think), ended up in Edinburgh for the festival, spent about a grand on booze, had lots, and lots of sex, got the fear tattooed onto my leg.

Did the standard Circular Diversion on more than one occasion, that's always fun.

Posted: January 3rd, 2009, 16:31
by Sol

It's quite amazing though really, I seem to become a mute when I'm drunk, must be in the facial expressions.
Berk wrote:Did the standard Circular Diversion on more than one occasion, that's always fun.

Posted: January 3rd, 2009, 16:34
by Dr. kitteny berk
Sol wrote: :?
well, you aquire 4 road diversion signs and a few cones etc, and divert traffic in a circle around a block.

Posted: January 3rd, 2009, 16:40
by buzzmong
Not so much a drunken antic, more of an attempt to get drunk antic...once broke into a local rugby/cricket sports house out in the sticks with 3 of my mates.

Fucking ninjas we were, gave one a boost through a very small and very high open window so he could open the door for us, and while he went for a shit we acquired about 8 cans of various lager and cider from the fridge. Door then closed and locked from the inside, one of my mates ninja'd back out the small window and closed it on the way out.

Perfect crime for 16/17 year olds. Was made better by the fact that one of the lad's dad gave us some more lager when we arrived back at his house a bit later. Rar.

Posted: January 3rd, 2009, 20:16
by Sol
Dr. kitteny berk wrote:
well, you aquire 4 road diversion signs and a few cones etc, and divert traffic in a circle around a block.
Brilliance! *Twiddles mustache*

Posted: January 3rd, 2009, 21:22
by Lateralus
Passed out in a pub toilet, standing up, with my head wedged between the wall and door of a cubicle, and my shoulders leaning on the door so as to keep my head wedged and my standing. It was my mate's pub, and they found me about 45 mins after closing.

That's probably my most entertaining one, but in terms of outright shameful drunken experiences, I also slept with someone I really disliked and was very ashamed. On two separate occasions. :oops:

Posted: January 3rd, 2009, 22:28
by Anhamgrimmar
Doesn't really count, but on my 18th birfday:

I'd bribed my folks to go and spend the night in a hotel somewhere, after buying me a load of beer/pizza/peach schnapps (my sister was living in germany at the time, we ended up with 25 bottles of that berentzen pish!)

all my mates, friends, and hangers on turned up, everyone was drinking heavily like you do.

Started about 1800, got to about 0250, decided that every one should have a bottle of schnapps each. My mate gibbo who was the spitting image of the milky bar kid was discovered about an hour later lying on his back whilst vomiting and not breathing..... called an ambulance, got him carted off to casuality for a stomach pump. continued drinking as you do.

Woke up at 0900 the following morning, with the hang over from hell. on the pavement outside my front garden. Naked

Did i mention i was naked? yes, good. did i mention that my other friend jimmy had HANDCUFFED me to the front gate? yeah, i didnt see that coming either. and thus i resolved to atleast trainmy self to recognise when i'm being stripped and dragged somewhere. its stood me in good stead!

Posted: January 4th, 2009, 0:08
by FatherJack
I awoke one morning to find myself face-down in my hallway, with my trousers around my ankles, the front door wide open and the day's post scattered around my feet.

It took me some while to piece together what had occurred, but I think it went as follows:

Earlier I'd gone out (pissed) to get some more drinking material and in my eagerness to get back inside and resume drinking, I hadn't closed the front door properly. Later, in a drunken state, I'd risen from my chair in the front room, adjacent to the hallway, in need of a piss. Things from that point didn't go as planned - I didn't quite get all the way to the bog, but had succesfully undone my trousers in anticipation. Tripping on them in the hallway, and falling on my face I decided that perhaps I should give up and go to sleep. In the morning, the postman opened the porch door, which due to an airlock effect popped the front door open. Upon seeing me lying there snoring away, he disgustedly dropped the letters he was holding and beat a hasty retreat.

I'd like to think that if I was a postman in the same situation, I'd have wedged the day's missives in the crack of my arse, which might have led me to a different conclusion about the nocturnal events, but anyway that's at least what I think happened.

Posted: January 4th, 2009, 0:15
by MrGreen
FatherJack wrote:I'd like to think that if I was a postman in the same situation, I'd have wedged the day's missives in the crack of my arse, which might have led me to a different conclusion about the nocturnal events, but anyway that's at least what I think happened.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: January 12th, 2009, 13:08
by nunoncastors
Far too many to recount really. Surprising really, as I'm such a quiet and reserved fellow.

Had to wear someone else's clothes home due to a vomit explosion.
Fallen asleep in the middle of our village green and explained to the Police that I just needed a rest before "the fucking hike home. Oh God, is it snowing?"
Threatened to shit in a mate's bed.
Walked home - 15 miles in the wrong direction before sleeping in someone's greenhouse. They were very understanding about it and gave me a lift home.
Challenged our local MP to a dance-off and lost :(

The list goes on.

Posted: January 12th, 2009, 15:57
by Dog Pants
nunoncastors wrote:Challenged our local MP to a dance-off and lost :(

Posted: January 12th, 2009, 16:13
by nunoncastors
Dog Pants wrote:
Seriously, Vernon Coaker can move.

Posted: January 12th, 2009, 16:37
by eRabbit
buzzmong wrote:And then there was Rab's and mine end of the college HND drinkathon where after 13 hours of constant drinking I fell asleep in a nightclub for about 45 mins as I was shattered.
In the corner, on the floor... as the story goes :P

Hmmm, I've done that many stupid things... tried to climb through my mates driver side window and out the passenger side window when he was stopped at a junction and I was walking past, he promptly drove some way with my legs hanging out of the window...

First ever game of ring of fire at uni, passed out on the stairs in my halls for a bit, stumbled to bed and then woke up in the morning to find my jeans in the sink, jumper on top of the wardrobe and my socks on my hands :?

Came back from a night out once and decided I wanted a bowl of coco pops, so while on Skype with my girlfriend I was eating the bowl of coco pops when I decided it wasn't chocolatey enough, inserted 2 dairy milk bars into my cereal and promptly decided I didn't like it anymore. Stood up, started cleaning my teeth by talking to my toothbrush saying things like "Hello mr toothbrush you're going to clean my teeth now". My flatmate walked in at that point just in time to see me fall over and cover my face in toothpaste. I don't remember any of this but my girlfriend recorded it as it all took place in front of my webcam :oops:

Too many drunken ogre pulls.

After 16 pubs of a student pub crawl in Leeds I bought a dirty burger from a very friendly van, walked about 2 metres, ate it and decided I was still hungry but very broke by this point. So I apparently spent 30 minutes talking to the burger man telling him my life story in the hope he'd like me and give me a burger for free... didn't work.

Posted: March 13th, 2009, 22:55
by Roman Totale
Another work night out, another drunken mess from yours truly.

Exceedingly drunk as usual, walking through town on route to next pub I decide I should give one of the girls a piggy back. She vaults on to my back, my knees collapse and I end up planting my face into the pavement at full horse.

She ended up with a bruised chin, but I am now the owner of a rather spiffing looking facial wound that stretches from my forehead to my jaw down the right hand side of my face. Didn't hurt at the time due to alcohol but it is now starting to throb somewhat.

Best bit was my good looking lady boss following me into the gents to apply an ice cube to my face. Worst bit was not being allowed in any late late bars because the doormen thought I'd been brawling.

I'll post pics tomorrow if I don't slip into a coma tonight.

Posted: March 13th, 2009, 23:00
by Dr. kitteny berk