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Posted: June 7th, 2007, 20:59
by Grimmie
From what I've seen, you can play as evil once you've hit level ten, but not as a permenant character.
The video review I saw states that you can hop into an orc, oruc hai etc and go around beating up regular players.
This earns you a kind of evil experience which translates to your 'good' character as rewards, special buffs unlocked in NPC shops and so on.
Re: All teh MMO's
Posted: June 7th, 2007, 21:02
by Dr. kitteny berk
FatherJack wrote:The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Anham
From what I've played of this, it seems a lot more desirable to me than wow, mainly because it's prettier and seems more story based.
Downsides currently are no digital distribution, The server I've played on seems very empty and not being able to have an actual, permanent evil guy.
Posted: June 7th, 2007, 21:04
by FatherJack
Grimmie wrote:From what I've seen, you can play as evil once you've hit level ten, but not as a permenant character.
The video review I saw states that you can hop into an orc, oruc hai etc and go around beating up regular players.
This earns you a kind of evil experience which translates to your 'good' character as rewards, special buffs unlocked in NPC shops and so on.
Yes, you earn destiny points which are the basic currency within the "monster play" game, used to buy items and skills for the session. Back in your normal character you can also spend these at any time on temporary buffs.
Posted: June 8th, 2007, 7:42
by Lateralus
For some reason, my brain is interpreting buff as ruff:

Posted: June 8th, 2007, 8:13
by fabyak
Lateralus wrote:For some reason, my brain is interpreting buff as ruff:

He looks like a bird who swallowed a plate
Posted: June 8th, 2007, 9:09
by FatherJack
Oh, look - it's Brian Clough in a ruff, doing a guff.
Posted: June 8th, 2007, 9:11
by fabyak
PHWOAR! Would you look at teh seams on that
*rubs his legs vigorously*
Re: All teh MMO's
Posted: June 8th, 2007, 11:56
by MIkkyo
Joose wrote:
Star Wars Galaxies
The star wars setting as an MMO. Be a wookie, go to tatoine and blast things. Or build houses. meh.
Graphics: Alright, but nothing special. Not totally awfull, but certainly dated.
Good points: Its star wars.
Bad points: Its actually everquest. It just *looks* like starwars. Plus, its a hell of a lot of work to become a jedi, so dont let that tempt you. I fear it is beyond the reach of any 5punkers.
3/10 (2 of which is purely because its star wars.
Not beyond 5punkers at all, i got an elder Dark Jedi in it, then they made the game shit and anyone can become a jedi now.
Re: All teh MMO's
Posted: June 23rd, 2007, 4:28
Dr. kitteny berk wrote:LOTRO - From what I've played of this, it seems a lot more desirable to me than Magical Gaaay Fairy Land, mainly because it's prettier and seems more story based.
Well...more story based = more reading...if I want to read alot...I'll read a book!
Guildwars/EQ2/DDO/LOTRO are all the same to me...TEH SUK! (supposedly WoW is the same) They all look the same...they all play the can't move 10ft without tripping over a quest. I thought GW was the most original with the classes/powers but it could have been the medication I was on at the time...
After EQ1...none of these MMO's live up to the complexity or diversity of the original...except EVE(although in space)...I never played FF so can't comment...(Aki, Where Art Thou?) hell, I haven't played a ton of other MMO's...but I doubt I'd be happy with any of them(well, I still enjoy CoH/V...not complex(even though they are trying to make it more complex with "crafting" now)...but quite fun...and the powers/sounds make you "feel" em like no other MMO)
Matrix Online was the biggest seemed really cool...but, I found no reason to play after beta.
It just seems they keep getting dumbed down for the "Familys who play together" or I guess kids are just incapable of any thought these days...
seems like everything is just a rehash of whats been done but looks prettier and is more kiddish
uggh...sorry for the ramblin...just being disappointed for years is um...disappointing!

Posted: June 23rd, 2007, 4:31
by Dr. kitteny berk
I honestly didn't find lotro to have much reading, the main story has voiceover, which you can ignore if you want.
I'd say (as far as I got at least) it was no worse can CoH/V
Posted: June 23rd, 2007, 4:51
Dr. kitteny berk wrote:CoH/V
I guess since there isn't any better "CoH/V" type game...I'm quite happy with what it is...other than the repetitiveness. But, I still say it has the best fighting sounds/visuals as it gives you the "feel" of actually hitting stuff...add some blood and decapitations and
My problem with all the fantasy games is that its been done..."Better" already...and they refuse to improve upon it and just go for the $$$$ from the masses. Simple and Pretty is like the Matrix...everything tastes like chicken...
Posted: June 23rd, 2007, 5:06
by Dr. kitteny berk
MORDETH LESTOK wrote:I guess since there isn't any better "CoH/V" type game...I'm quite happy with what it is...other than the repetitiveness. But, I still say it has the best fighting sounds/visuals as it gives you the "feel" of actually hitting stuff...add some blood and decapitations and
I dunno, CoH/V is fun, but I always found it a little too ugly/shallow, Especially once you'd done the first 10 levels a few times. very much a game to play with mates.
MORDETH LESTOK wrote:My problem with all the fantasy games is that its been done..."Better" already...and they refuse to improve upon it and just go for the $$$$ from the masses. Simple and Pretty is like the Matrix...everything tastes like chicken...
All of this is true, but I must say that
just a World of guild of dungeons of warcraft online clone, Nor is it just a crappy license mmporg to rage in cash from idiots.
While it does retain elements of all its ancestors, I found it very playable, Quite pretty and really didn't stink of license abuse or off the shelf fantasy mmporg*.
Right now I'd say LOTRO is let down by the lack of a proper 2 week free trial, and the fact that many of the people it would appeal to are still playing WoW 22 hours a day.
*it smelled a little of off the shelf fantasy mmporg, but then it is a fantasy mmporg, there's only so much you can do with them.
Posted: June 23rd, 2007, 5:30
Dr. kitteny berk wrote:stuff
I guess my point is...I'm done with Fantasy MMO games until they do find a new twist to it. I played EQ for 6yrs for unhealthy amount of hours and nothing atm is comparable to it. I've been looking for something new...cuz "new" should be better...but, I might just reactivate my accounts to see what they've added in the last 2yrs.
CoH/V is shallow...that was the nice part about it...gave me a chance to relax and have fun whereas, EQ was stressfull. I fell in with a good group of people which makes the game that much better as you said.
Posted: June 23rd, 2007, 6:38
by Dr. kitteny berk
Seems fair.
Posted: June 23rd, 2007, 11:55
by Killavodka
LOTR quickly became another generic W o W copy for me, i wish MMOs would try something different than closing on in on your opponent and then pressing 1-9 until they die. Combat is sluggish and unresponsive at times and i found the quests repetitive and often the quest would say "its blah blah west of blah" and after I had found the quest, quick look at the map and it was more like SW or NW
Now it seems that I'm back to waiting impatiently for <a href="">Age of Conan</a> which has just had a bunch of new sexy screenshots you might want to check out

Posted: June 23rd, 2007, 12:14
Killavodka wrote:Now it seems that I'm back to waiting impatiently for <a href="http://www.ageofconan">Age of Conan</a> which has just had a bunch of new sexy screenshots you might want to check out

ah yah...forgot about that...does look like it has promise
/does not get hopes up...
Posted: June 23rd, 2007, 14:18
by Joose
Killavodka wrote:Now it seems that I'm back to waiting impatiently for <a href="http://www.ageofconan">Age of Conan</a> which has just had a bunch of new sexy screenshots you might want to check out

That does look to be amusing, if nothing else. Plus: ooh, beta signups