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Posted: October 1st, 2008, 15:53
by Hehulk
Grimmie wrote: 
Subtle differences in my view of the game design mostly. L4D is much more team orientated (Revive each other) than COD (Which is lots of you playing a solo game with minor levels of teamwork like let's go up this flank).
That said, I've no idea if COD 4 has a medic class or not, but in my minds eye that how I see it.
Posted: October 1st, 2008, 16:18
by Dr. kitteny berk
Hehulk wrote:Subtle differences in my view of the game design mostly. L4D is much more team orientated (Revive each other) than COD (Which is lots of you playing a solo game with minor levels of teamwork like let's go up this flank).
Wait. What? That makes no sense.
I think you're trying to describe the differences between a Co-op game (ie. L4D, Jops, Swat4, Raven shield) and a more standard multiplayer game (ie. CoD, CS:S, TF2) and rather than succeeding, vomiting words onto 5punk.
What you're saying seriously makes no sense at all,
A co-op game
is effectively playing an SP game with a few of your mates against the computer.
A multiplayer game is more playing a game against other real humans, with or against your mates, maybe some computer players involved, but only as filler, have absolutely nothing to do with anything single player, apart from perhaps some areas modified to be suitable for MP games.
Posted: October 1st, 2008, 16:28
by Hehulk
Grimmie questioned why I like one sub-genre of FPS games, but not another. There's my responce.

Posted: October 1st, 2008, 16:28
by Dog Pants
I can see Hehulk's point. Even in team deathmatch it's pretty much every man for himself, you just only have to worry about being shot by half the people on the map. I'm wondering if the teamwork will make L4D difficult to play for 5punkers, after all we're not known for our coordination.
Posted: October 1st, 2008, 16:31
by MrGreen
Dog Pants wrote:I can see Hehulk's point. Even in team deathmatch it's pretty much every man for himself, you just only have to worry about being shot by half the people on the map. I'm wondering if the teamwork will make L4D difficult to play for 5punkers, after all we're not known for our coordination.
By the looks of it, L4D will be difficult, will most likely mean we'll end up working together, in an alcoholic, fucktarded way.
Posted: October 1st, 2008, 16:33
by Dr. kitteny berk
Dog Pants wrote:I'm wondering if the teamwork will make L4D difficult to play for 5punkers, after all we're not known for our coordination.
I cry bollocks on that, we're not known for being organised/organisable, but get a few of us together in any co-op game, and we work outstandingly well together, might not be the best players on the world, but in Jops I can run around a corner safe in the knowledge some other dumb fuck will die trying to revive me.
Same with swat4 and raven shield, no revive function in them, but covered each-other well, tried to save each other and so on.
Posted: October 1st, 2008, 16:43
by Dog Pants
SWAT 4 seemed to work, but only because the maps were so small we couldn't bomb-burst on it. Every game I played in JOPS saw me watching everyone else fuck off on their own in vehicles, leaving me to jog halfway across the map to catch up. We've done fairly well in WAR, but mostly it was due only to us being in the same place at the same time, and even that was bloody difficult to achieve.
It might work, but apethy seems to be a barrier to teamwork in most cases.
Posted: October 1st, 2008, 16:46
by friznit
FatherJack wrote:
I think they are fucking awesome, but there are elements in Rome that I liked better than Medieval 2 and vice-versa. Hopefully this new release has the best bits from both.
The next one's being developed by the UK team who did Rome, rather than the Aus team that did MTW2, so in generally expected to be back on par.
Might have to take a closer look at FC2 given what's been said here. I had assumed it was yet another generic FPS with some added quirk like all the others.
Posted: October 1st, 2008, 16:47
by Dr. kitteny berk
Dog Pants wrote:SWAT 4 seemed to work, but only because the maps were so small we couldn't bomb-burst on it. Every game I played in JOPS saw me watching everyone else fuck off on their own in vehicles, leaving me to jog halfway across the map to catch up. We've done fairly well in WAR, but mostly it was due only to us being in the same place at the same time, and even that was bloody difficult to achieve.
It might work, but apethy seems to be a barrier to teamwork in most cases.
I find it depends on the group and teamspeak mostly, especially in Jops it can be difficult to communicate due to the drunkness and pete shouting at NPCs
I suspect in L4D I'll go back for the people I like, the ones I don't, well, I'll watch them die.
Probably worth remembering L4D will have automatic voice stuff too, that'll help some of the communications issues we have.
Posted: October 1st, 2008, 16:51
by Dog Pants
friznit wrote:Might have to take a closer look at FC2 given what's been said here. I had assumed it was yet another generic FPS with some added quirk like all the others.
I felt the same way, given the long line of mediocre shooters over the last year or so. Crysis got rave reviews but I thought it was bland regardless of how pretty it was.
I'm still sceptical, but the glimmer of hope is there. If it can pull off the freedom of Delta horse, Op Flashpoint, or Hunter (Amiga game, quite awesome) and add some nice shiny modern FPS gameplay then I reckon I'll enjoy it.
Posted: October 1st, 2008, 16:53
by Dog Pants
Dr. kitteny berk wrote:
I find it depends on the group and teamspeak mostly, especially in Jops it can be difficult to communicate due to the drunkness and pete shouting at NPCs
I suspect in L4D I'll go back for the people I like, the ones I don't, well, I'll watch them die.
Probably worth remembering L4D will have automatic voice stuff too, that'll help some of the communications issues we have.
This is true. I've been missing out on TS recently so what I see as long periods of apethy or inactivity are probably just conversations about sex with burning goats that I can't hear.
Posted: October 1st, 2008, 17:56
by HereComesPete
Dr. kitteny berk wrote:pete shouting at NPCs

I shout at loading screens and terrain and my own ineptitude and pretty much everything else too, makes me feel better.
Re: Release Dates
Posted: October 1st, 2008, 21:00
by Roman Totale
friznit wrote:
Petz Horsez Club: Oct 21
I keep reading this as Pete'z Horsez Club.
Something to tell us, Pete?
Posted: October 1st, 2008, 21:30
by HereComesPete
You're just jealous.
My horsies run through meadows of pink flowers with butterflies and such. It's faaabulous.
Posted: October 1st, 2008, 22:22
by Chickenz
Dr. kitteny berk wrote:
I cry bollocks on that, we're not known for being organised/organisable, but get a few of us together in any co-op game, and we work outstandingly well
We don't go out of our way to play super serious, we're just overly ineffective at playing badly.
Posted: October 2nd, 2008, 0:14
by Stoat
I didn't realise L4D would require anything more than AAARGHGETITOFFMEGETITOFFME
Posted: October 2nd, 2008, 0:19
by Dr. kitteny berk
Stoat wrote:I didn't realise L4D would require anything more than AAARGHGETITOFFMEGETITOFFME
It's unlikely it will really, I think valve are good enough to make it fun for everyone, not just hyper-organised clanfags.
Posted: October 2nd, 2008, 0:24
by Killavodka
Since when is succeeding at a game the main priority, many lulz have been had over failurz. For example, getting pwned by the AI in Ravenshield ala "omg i was headshotted by an uzi from 2 miles"
Posted: October 2nd, 2008, 0:35
by Dr. kitteny berk

Is true, but only to a degree, defeat can be funny in bad games a few times (take Jops or raven shield with AI made of distilled gunslinger) but eventually it just gets annoying.
Depends on the style of game too, I'm not sure what happens in the standard L4D co-op mode if a player gets killed, if they can't revive it'll suck, if they get to play as zombie, there's every chance they'll kill themselves to play as zombie. Y'know there's a lot of stuff that's not particularly clear yet.
Along with that, what I've read says 40+ minutes per map, and full FF, I'd imagine the rage is fairly likely to set in if stuff doesn't go well or such. hopefully the AI director will deal with that to a degree, but it can't fix friendly fire and people being bastards.
Success or defeat really has little to do with how much fun 5punkers have, it depends entirely on the game and the amount of alcohol in their system.
Still, a lot remains to be seen for L4D, a lot of details are being kept under wraps so far, hell, we don't even know if it'll use classic server methods, or something new and shiny.
Posted: October 2nd, 2008, 1:14
by Dr. kitteny berk
Did some poking about and.. ... p?t=535896
- Death is being handled differently in Left 4 Dead, but note you will not get Infected if you die.
- Instead of dying outright when your health reaches zero, a Survivor will fall to the earth and be unable to move, only having the energy to weakly fire their pistol.
- You can only be revived three times. When you've used up all three of your revives, your view will become black and white and your health temporary. If you die again, you will immediately die rather than simply being knocked down.
- When you die, you have to spectate until your teammates find another Survivor, either barricaded in a closet or at the next checkpoint, depending on where you died on the map. When you respawn after death, you start off again with basic equipment, wherever you are.
so it looks like that's handled pretty well.