I'm guessing this is the 1st one for you, only advice i'll give is don't get anything nice for it will be broken. They are fine till they start cruising around, then the fun starts. And don't worry if it sticks everything and anything in their mouth, that's normal....I hope.
Akiakaiu wrote:Congrats,
I'm guessing this is the 1st one for you, only advice i'll give is don't get anything nice for it will be broken. They are fine till they start cruising around, then the fun starts. And don't worry if it sticks everything and anything in their mouth, that's normal....I hope.
How long does that go for then? Or is that indefinitely?
Thanks everyone, I'll show Mrs Pants your posts (she's already asked if I've told you all). And cheers Anery for leaving the good news for me. I wouldn't have minded if you'd have said something, but I'd been thinking about witty ways of breaking the news for several hours of the labour (the bits without the screaming).
Dog Pants wrote:
How long does that go for then? Or is that indefinitely?
Which part, the breaking every nice thing you have or the putting things in their mouth? The putting things in the mouth lasts until, um.. after teething, the breaking of the nice things lasts until they want to borrow said nice things.
And isn't labor wonderful? Who ever said childbirth is beautiful was not in the delivery room I can tell you that much. I think my ex broke my hand from squeezing it and I almost lost an eye from a flying chunk of ice she was sucking on. I think the real miracle of childbirth is the fact we men survive it.
Ok, the women might be in some pain too but they get drugs and the doc wouldn't let me have any
Akiakaiu wrote:And isn't labor wonderful? Who ever said childbirth is beautiful was not in the delivery room I can tell you that much. I think my ex broke my hand from squeezing it and I almost lost an eye from a flying chunk of ice she was sucking on. I think the real miracle of childbirth is the fact we men survive it.
Oh God, this. I was told it'd be a magical experience. Right up until the point you see the baby it just looks harrowing and degrading from a man's point of view. That's how I saw it anyway, horrible.
Course from the second I saw her I've not stopped grinning.
Dog Pants wrote:
Course from the second I saw her I've not stopped grinning.
very much this, well him in my case. Just wait till you can brag about how they do this and they do that. Like my son is 8 and just finished reading The Fellowship of the Ring or how when he was 5 he was playing daddy's Final Fantasy games and doing rather well. Now he wants a FFXI and LotRO account, has his own trackmainia account and wants daddy to buy him a pc so he can get steam and play portal at his house.
He's gonna pwn n00bs by 10 years old... I'm so proud.