Posted: March 1st, 2006, 16:52
FatherJack wrote:I forsee me spending ages and only coming up with one of these:
Then someone comes along with these and gobbles me up:

FatherJack wrote:I forsee me spending ages and only coming up with one of these:
Then someone comes along with these and gobbles me up:
I give it maybe a day before I discover one of these shuffling around my planets:FatherJack wrote:I forsee me spending ages and only coming up with one of these:
Then someone comes along with these and gobbles me up:
I'm in class right now, and I had to try really hard not to laugh very very hard at this...Joose wrote:I give it maybe a day before I discover one of these shuffling around my planets:FatherJack wrote:I forsee me spending ages and only coming up with one of these:
Then someone comes along with these and gobbles me up:
It seemed to me that the best part was training your creature to do things, but I never seemed to have time because my villagers (ie the strategy part that I'm poo at) were too demanding on my time.Dr. kitteny berk wrote:black and white was funny to me, almost got it, but missed somehow *teaches lion-thingy to eat people*
Pffffft, and yes. Only played B&W2 myself, and it was good, but I didn't find it fantastic.friznit wrote:B&W? Thatthe one I spent hours slapping my monkey and training him to eat his own shit?
YAY! *pre-orders*Lateralus wrote:22 days till Oblivion, 22 days till Oblivion! Wooooooo
Ordered that Star Wars thing from about a year ago (think it was actually about 3 days ago but you know the feeling). Yet to grace my doorstep. Not going to pre-order oblivion...not going to pre-order...not going...aarghspoodie wrote:I've pre-ordered it from for £25, I get all my games from there and they should be paying me commission for the number of times I've name dropped them. The collectors edition is £30 but I'm not really interested in that.
Oblivion? That's Elder Scrolls 4 isn't it? I've got Morrowind on the xBox but got annoyed with it after about 20 minutes.Dog Pants wrote:When you get it write a review please, as I've never heard of it.
I certainly will, but you realise that writing the review will mean I'll have to stop playing it!Dog Pants wrote:When you get it write a review please, as I've never heard of it.
Yes, thats the one. Its a slow-stater, I'll give you that, but once you've gained a few levels and joined a guild or something then it starts to get really good. I personally loved it, played it for many many hours (before I got ecksfire) and I don't think I actually completed the main quest! It may not be to everyones taste, but I know more people that love the series than hate it.FatherJack wrote:Oblivion? That's Elder Scrolls 4 isn't it? I've got Morrowind on the xBox but got annoyed with it after about 20 minutes.
Link please?spoodie wrote:I've pre-ordered it from for £25.