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Posted: January 5th, 2006, 19:16
by Roman Totale
Stoat wrote:
mrbobbins wrote:"Never attribute to conspiracy that which can be explained by incompetence."
Now that is wisdom.

Possibly Norman.
*falls over in "hilarious" comedy manner*

*is made king of Albania*

Posted: January 6th, 2006, 1:53
by killslay
mrbobbins wrote:
killslay wrote:what happened was, they started to spread rumours of a shortage then just to keep us on our toes they actually had a shortage instead of just having a scare like every other console does before release
"Never attribute to conspiracy that which can be explained by incompetence." ... e-problem/
i dunno i've grown attatched to my "microsoft hates people" theory

Posted: January 6th, 2006, 2:13
by Stoat
killslay wrote:i dunno i've grown attatched to my "microsoft hates people" theory
While Sony... oh wait.. :)

Posted: January 6th, 2006, 11:09
by spoodie
Stoat wrote:
killslay wrote:i dunno i've grown attatched to my "microsoft hates people" theory
While Sony... oh wait.. :)
... loves the cock? :ignore: