I haven't played AVP1, but it is similar to SS2. The difference is you don't get the paranoia from being all alone on a deserted space ship with mutants all around, you're in a wilderness with mutants all around.
CS:S will now get jealous and leave tearful messages on your answering machine at 3 in the morning asking for another chance and promising it can change.
Roman Totale wrote:
CS:S will now get jealous and leave tearful messages on your answering machine at 3 in the morning asking for another chance and promising it can change.
I've played this for an hour or so, but I'm going to wait until I have a new gfx card before playing it through properly so I can do it some justice. Also going to order the speshul tin version once I've moved house, if its worth a few extra quid?
They appear to be in stock here, although the tinless one is £18 and the tinned one is £25. However, the tinned one appears to be a fiver cheaper on the rrp. Bit bizarre.
Lateralus wrote:They appear to be in stock here, although the tinless one is £18 and the tinned one is £25. However, the tinned one appears to be a fiver cheaper on the rrp. Bit bizarre.
Oh yeah, so it is, it wasn't yesterday, should've double checked
They must've reduced the price of the non-tinned one since that was £25 originally aswell.
Wowser, ordered my copy from Game.co.uk and it arrived today! Wonderful service there!
I can play it guilt free now
On an aside, has anybody had real issues with mouse lag? It runs nicely at 1280x1024 with full dynamic light on at a solid 30-40 fps. The mouse is jumpy as fuck however, madness.