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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 11:56
by Joose
After a few hours quiet travel you arrive at Casa Arturo. Marksley shows you off the ship and immediately starts up a conversation with a couple of greasy looking techie types hanging around in the docking area you have arrived at.

Casa Arturo is a Nuestro Shell like Locus (a sphere made of spines and connecting rings) but is much, much smaller. Its mostly made of warehouse space for cargo, engineering bays for ships and docking rings. Anyone could see just by looking that this place is all about ships and moving stuff around.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 14:53
by Dog Pants
Okay, I'll get Ignacio onto seeing if he can find out anything about the Kesyrah.

Research 30:
4, 7: 47 Failure!

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 16:09
by Joose
Thats a no then. You can try yourself too.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 16:20
by Dog Pants
Research 20:
4, 8: 48 Failure!

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 16:31
by Joose
Well, you both find nothing online then.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 16:54
by Dog Pants
Anyone else? I think I'm the worst researcher in the group. If not I could always just ask someone.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 23:30
by FatherJack
Research 75:

Well, fuck.

Ramu, maybe?

Research 30:

I guess not. Shitsticks.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 5:44
by Dog Pants
:lol: We suck. What an inglorious end to our Firewall career, stuck on the space equivalent of a truck stop because we can't google.

Bollocks to your moden technology. I'll approach someone who looks like they work here and ask if they know who owns the Kesyrah.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 8:07
by Joose

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 8:57
by fabyak
Me me me! I wanna fail next :)

Research (25):
Rolled: 95
We have a internets?


Research (30):
Rolled: 35

Closer but still nowt and with my @-rep of nothing, that's as good as I can get for this

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 9:49
by Joose
fabyak wrote:Closer but still nowt and with my @-rep of nothing, that's as good as I can get for this
Casa Arturo is largely Anarchist, but not entirely. C rep (its a trading hub, so there will be corp interests) or G rep (who likes fast ships and cargo more than smugglers?) might get you somewhere too.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 11:10
by fabyak
Can I do a roll for both? In case I can I shall do so now, starting with C as it's higher, trying G if that fails

C-rep (40) - Rolled: 99 (wtf, seriously?)
G-rep (30) - Rolled: 5! (Initially rolled an 8, then realised I'd use the d10 dice instead of the d100)

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 11:49
by Joose
fabyak wrote:C-rep (40) - Rolled: 99 (wtf, seriously?)
You know nothing. Nothing bad happens though. As far as you know!
G-rep (30) - Rolled: 5! (Initially rolled an 8, then realised I'd use the d10 dice instead of the d100)
Hurrah! One of your less than legal contacts knows of the Kesyrah ("Oh yeah, nice ship. Fast and stealthy. Fucking cramped on the inside though, god damn.") and gives you the contact details of the owner, an uplift octopus called Shoggy, living in Casa Arturo.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 11:58
by fabyak

Unlabelled turns to the others
Unlabelled wrote:Asil. Teka
Then walks off in whichever direction he needs to go in to get there without waiting for a response from the others

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 15:32
by Joose
Im going to assume the rest of you follow.

You find Shoggy in the space equivalent of a dry dock. Its essentially just a big airtight box with an airlock at one end large enough to fit a ship. The ship in question looks like a bit of a rust bucket (gonna need a roll to get more information on it than that) and is held in place in the centre of the room via a web of steel cabling. Shoggy himself is half inside an access panel when you enter, but he extracts himself and pushes off from the ship towards you with a deft flick of his appendages. Somehow, seeing him in microgravity seems oddly like he is in his natural environment. It is a bit like swimming after all.

For those that dont know, an Uplifted Octopus looks basically the same as a regular octopus, but is much larger and often wears some sort of clothing. A couple of things to bear in mind though: Although they are people, they are not humans. They often have a very different outlook on life to humans, with different priorities and overall philosophies. This isn't always on big concepts either: if an uplifted octopus is wearing clothes it is probably purely for function. They have no interest in hiding their rude parts.

I'm not sure they even have rude parts.

He is wiping some sort of greasy goo off one arm with a rag when he gets to you.
Shoggy wrote:Hey. What can I do for you folks?

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 16:27
by Dog Pants
I'll follow Unlabelled's lead and admire the octopus. Hopefully he doesn't notice, seeing as my plastic face is expressionless.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 23:00
by Joose
The octopus eyes you all expectantly.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 23:45
by fabyak
Unlabelled blinks

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 5th, 2014, 6:28
by Dog Pants
DCOM wrote:My colleague tells us that you are likely to be the owner of the Kesyrah. I believe you may be looking for the ship, which could put us at a common purpose, because we are looking for the person who borrowed it. Is this correct?

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: February 5th, 2014, 11:51
by Joose
Shoggys skin colour changes. If you want to know what that means you need either an appropriate bio-science skill or a really good kinesics roll.
Shoggy wrote:Oh, right yeah! You must be Yu's friends. Honestly I'm not sure whether to be relieved about that or not, I was beginning to think she had just ran off with it. Yeah, the Kesyrah is mine. Its ship. Minimal cargo, only room for one pilot, one co-pilot. Built primarily for speed. And, just as a personal development project, it happens to be stealthed; radar defeating panels, minimal forward facing heat signature, EM clean, that sort of thing. Just to see if I could, you understand. Tends to be hired out by a certain kind of person, if you know what I mean. Yu didn't really fit the template to be honest, but I didn't object. Seemed more trustworthy than the regulars really. She was only supposed to have it for a couple of days, its been weeks now. If I can help you track down my ship and get it back to me I will absolutely help you out. Not sure if I can though. She didn't exactly file a flight plan, you know? If I knew where she was I would have sent someone looking already