FatherJack wrote:
Yes, I described earlier how I did Cheerleader's crappy quest and how right after it she argued with Jack - whose side I naturally took - she went back to non-loyal.
I got her loyalty skill unlock, but not the costume change or orange circle. I want her to die horribly anyway and can get the cookie in another playthrough.
This, I did the same and didn't get the paragon action so I chose Jack's side, as for Zaeed I had to let all those people die so I saved them instead, which cost me his loyalty. I think I can cope with the loss though.
But not Kelly, bastards!
Posted: February 7th, 2010, 9:52
by Dog Pants
I didn't get the guy in Zaeed's quest but I convinced him to be loyal anyway.
Posted: February 7th, 2010, 11:51
by Roman Totale
I never seemed to have a problem with my crew's loyalty - probably because of the high Paragon score you can sweet talk them easier.
I still need to replay for a certain point though so that
I can save Kelly, bastards!
Posted: February 7th, 2010, 12:20
by Mr. Johnson
I'm probably going to replay it again a month or so before Mass effect 3 comes out, since right now I don't feel like mining every fucking planet again.
Posted: February 7th, 2010, 15:21
by Baliame
FatherJack wrote:Yes, I described earlier how I did Cheerleader's crappy quest and how right after it she argued with Jack - whose side I naturally took - she went back to non-loyal.
If you have enough Paragon or Renegade, you can pull it off without losing either one's loyalty. Unfortunately, one disloyal team member doesn't mean you're losing exactly that one.
Also, a quick way to get your Paragon/Renegade points up:
After you do the Collector Ship mission, you'll have a respec research available. Put points into the skill that increases your P/R and respec. You won't lose the P/R bonus you get for putting points in the skill and putting points into the skill again further increases your P/R.
Posted: February 7th, 2010, 15:28
by Pnut
I pissed off miranda and didnt get zaeed loyal, some how i managed to keep everyone alive
Posted: February 7th, 2010, 17:50
by Mr. Johnson
Pnut wrote:I pissed off miranda and didnt get zaeed loyal, some how i managed to keep everyone alive
Found out how to keep all of them alive, save your crew and generally be fucking awesome.
Use this if you want to get your team out alive, but try and make sure they're all loyal (I had, like Pnut, Zaeed and Miranda not loyal). I've made it storyline spoiler free so you can use it when you're on your first playthrough. If you want.
Try and get all the positive loyal mission outcomes, ship upgrades, weapons etc. before you have to go and get the IFF, and get enough Paragon/Renegade points so you don't have to choose between Tali and Legion/Jack and Miranda.
After you are forced to do the endgame, here's what you assign to whom. (copied from the bioware forums)
Vents: Legion (is non organic tech master)
1st Squad Leader: Garrus (has leadership experience)
2nd Squad Leader: Miranda (I used Garrus twice as Miranda wasn't loyal)
Shield Barrier: Jack (Samara might work as well, haven't tried it)
Escort: Grunt (Although I don't think this matters as I assigned it to Mordin and Legion as well and they made it back)
When you get to the final choice of who your two team mates are going to be, choose Mordin and Miranda (if she's loyal, otherwise she dies, Mordin seems to die anyway if you don't take him) Important detail during the last big fight is that your team mates have to be kept alive, so make sure you use your medi-gel, otherwise they die.
Posted: February 7th, 2010, 17:51
by deject
Yeah I always get my Paragon/Renegade levels super high so I never lost anyone's loyalty.
Posted: February 7th, 2010, 18:05
by Roman Totale
Hmm, I had everyone loyal but still lost two people. Here is who I used:
Vents: Legion - yet he still died
1st Squad: Zaeed - he lived
2nd Squad: Grunt - he died
Shield Barrier: Jack - she lived
Escort: Thane - he lived
Final team: Jack & Garrus - both lived
So the only two I lost were Grunt and Legion. Doesn't seem to fit in with the Bioware forum post - there must be more to it.
Posted: February 7th, 2010, 18:23
by Mr. Johnson
You're onto something there Roman.
I sort of assumed you had to use common sense and assign everyone to the role that suited their natural capabilities better.
My fish survived this time.
Posted: February 7th, 2010, 18:38
by Baliame
Only assign people to tasks if they're loyal or they will most likely die. Otherwise, it's all down to sensible choices:
Vents: Legion should survive it if loyal, no idea what happened there Roman.
Squad leaders: Jacob / Miranda / Garrus, most of the others are unfit
Shields: Jack or Samara, either can hold out all the way through.
Escort: Send back Mordin, it's the best way to save him.
Final Team: Two loyals, otherwise they die.
Make a save before you go through Omega-4. As far as I know, full ship upgrades, all loyal and sensible choices should be enough to see through the endgame with everyone surviving, but if not, go do all your remaining tasks and upgrades.
Posted: February 7th, 2010, 19:47
by FatherJack
My Paragon/Renegade scores are too low, both at about 75% - I think it's because I do every one of those cutscene mouse presses, whether they are good or bad.
I didn't notice there was a skill that boosted them, so I'll try respeccing with that if it's not too late.
Posted: February 8th, 2010, 19:59
by Mr. Johnson
What did everyone choose as the ending? I blew it up because it felt like the right thing to do, and because I wanted a massive, epic explosion like the films. But what happens if you pick the other ending?
Posted: February 8th, 2010, 20:46
by deject
I've done both. If you
give the base to Cerberus, the Illusive Man gets all smug and makes it fairly obvious that he's going to exploit the base for his own nefarious purposes.
Posted: February 8th, 2010, 22:35
by Roman Totale
Aha, I think I've found out why a certain squad member died even though they were loyal:
As mentioned before I sent a loyal Legion through the vents and he still died. It would appear that being loyal isn't enough, you have to try and found out more about him through conversation before you pass through the Omega 4 relay. Speak to him directly after waking him, and then after the loyalty mission he gives you.
Posted: February 8th, 2010, 22:40
by Mr. Johnson
I chatted to all my team members except Mordin, which is probably why he kept dying during the final fight. A shame really, as it appears he sings you a song and gives you 'advice' about your romance with Tali.
Posted: February 8th, 2010, 22:43
by Roman Totale
I love Mordin, he's ace.
Posted: February 8th, 2010, 22:52
by deject
Roman, that's not correct.
Whether the specialist lives or dies depends on who is leading the other fireteam, and who the specialist is. If the specialist is Tali or Legion, then if anyone besides Garrus or Miranda is leading the 2nd team, the specialist dies. If the specialist is anyone besides Tali or Legion, they die.
Posted: February 9th, 2010, 0:31
by Shada
Mr. Johnson wrote:Also,
What did everyone choose as the ending? I blew it up because it felt like the right thing to do, and because I wanted a massive, epic explosion like the films. But what happens if you pick the other ending?
I overloaded the reactor core with a recording of myself saying "I'm commander Shepard, and this is my least favourite base in the universe."