Speaking with German site Stern, Will Wright has said that, well, there's just far too many sequels on the market for his liking. When asked what he thinks about there being so many 2's and 3's and even 4's hitting the shelves, he said the practice is a bad one, and is the result of a conservative games market.
Interesting! I wonder if he thought like this when the fourth SimCity kicked around. Or the second Sims. Or, indeed, whether he'll still be thinking like this when we're all playing Spore 2.Ja, das ist in der Tat eine schlechte Entwicklung. Man setzt lieber auf Nummer sicher, als kreativ zu sein. Noch scheint das zu funktionieren. Nur wie lange noch? Zudem gibt es einfach zu viele Spiele auf dem Markt. Viele tolle Spiele gehen dadurch schlichtweg unter. [Yeah, that is indeed a bad development. One would rather play it safe than be creative. Still, this seems to work. But for how much longer? Besides, there are simply too many games on the market. Lots of bad games are coming out because of this]
Spieleentwickler-Ikone Will Wright [Stern, via Gamefront.de]
Author: Luke Plunkett
Category: Ea Electronic Arts Maxis Simcity Spore The Sims Will Wright Says will wrigt
Publish Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 22:20:00 EDT
Source: Kotaku