Joose RE: Overlord wrote:Ive been playing it a hell of a lot over the last couple of days, which says something in itself. It seems to be a bit of a grower; At first I thought it was Teh Sux, but the more I play the more I like. As has been said, the early stages are a little "sweep at things. Sit back. Whin.", but the puzzles become a little more complex later, needing a little lateral thinking. Having said that, its not exactly challenging as a game. Bloody good fun though, I think the bits that make it are the little comedy moments, like your minions using a dead rat as a helmet.
Once I have it completed (which won't be long at this rate) I'll stick a proper review up for it.

All of this. From what Joose and eion say, it sounds as if the PC version is as easy to control as the 360 version (especially with a 360 controller) so it's probably the one to go for given it's massively cheaper.
spoodie compared it to Pikmin in an another thread, and it does have some similarities, but doesn't piss me off nearly so much. Your minions are much more intelligent and all of them can fight to a degree.
I'm enjoying it a lot, although it doesn't
seem like there's going to be much left to it, tasks do get harder and take longer as you go on. Looking at the achievements to unlock (360 version) there still appears to be plenty to do, shame that the supporting characters don't say much beyond the early stages though, as most of what they
do say is very amusing.
The camera is a little ill-thought out - more than once I've swept my minions to their deaths accidentally when trying to look around, and some bits need the high viewpoint, which I don't like as it feels too 2D.
Controls are a bit tricky - certainly one to play right through, coming back to it after a while you'd need to learn them again. Worst is the guard button which is on the same hand as the minion sweep, but you can see they've thought about the times you
need to use it and you can jam the minions in a corner before pressing it.
Overall very good, though - great tactical variations possible with minion combinations, little bits you can come back to do later, entertaining boss monsters and characters and a superb atmosphere.