Sony just announced two Hot Shots Golf 5 bundles for Japan. There are 20GB and 60GB versions, going on sale July 26th. Both include Hot Shots Golf 5, which retails for ¥5,980 (US $48.50). The regular open-priced 60GB version retails for around ¥60,000 ($487), and the 20GB version sells for ¥50,000 ($405). However, the Hot Shots Golf 5 60GB will book for ¥61,980 ($503), and the 20GB one for ¥51,980 ($422). Factor in the price of the game, and you've got a default price cut that should entice customers in Japan. But what about North America and Europe, Sony? Brian Ashcraft
Hot Shots Bundle [Famitsu]
Category: Gizmodo Hot Shots Golf Only in Japan Playstation 3 PS3 reduce Sony Top
Publish Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 05:00:32 EDT
Source: Kotaku