Remapping keys is a bit awkward, and most annoying that is doesn't recognise my mouse buttons 4 and 5 (and maybe 3, forgot to check)
Crouch lower is stupid, why do you have to hold down the crouch key, and the crouch lower key at the same time?, why not a completely separate key so you don't end up doing finger twister on the keyboard. Replace with prone, job done.
Weapon switch on mouse wheel; you can't cycle round the weapons, when you get to last weapon you have to reverse, only a little annoying though. Weapons seem to be less accurate when aiming down the sights and less accurate when firing single shots than full-auto.
The guns don't feel like they have any 'punch', there is no feel of impact, maybe this is fisicks engine thing.
Supposed to be huge and free-roaming but it still feels a bit on-rails, there are only a few buildings in each location and a square fence around the edge giving the feeling that you are restricted in choosing where to go.
AI, same as any other game; predictable, pop your head round a corner, shoot one guy, retreat to door, wait for others to come through one at a time, this is not clever and happens in almost every FPS game I've played.
The PDA interface is awful, the Map is frustrating; scroll wheel down zooms out.. until it decides to zoom in and wheel up zooms out.
I wasn't overwhelmed by the graphics at first but the inside sections, tunnels etc, are very good, much better than the outside graphics. (Especially with the random rain glitch)
Some of the above is very simple stuff to fix and seems like a rush job which considering how long it took them to make the game is a bit silly.
As for the storyline/difficulty/ammo/gun-powar issues I can see some elements of these but are more down to personal preference and play style so I wouldn't say they have annoyed me too much. Yet. I haven't played for that long so my comments are mostly interface/input related hence why they are so much more annoying to me!!
However, I have really enjoyed much of the game but it could be so much better with only a few simple fixes.
I suggest changing your crouch key to the toggle crouch as you don't have to hold 2 keys down for the low crouch anymore.
The guns are actually really damn accurate in low crouch (which doesn't make sense because it looks like an incredibly uncomfortable position to be in) so I'm guessing that a lot of the complaints about accuracy stem from the unease-of-use of the low crouch out of the box. Also, a lot of it probably stems from the more realistic flight times of the bullets resulting in people not leading moving targets enough. For the distances in play you'd be surprised at how far you have to lead the enemies.
The map interface is just so damn annoying I stopped trying to use the scroll wheel and generally just used the buttons to focus in on objectives and myself.
I do like that the A.I.'s behavior in regards to your location. I love to flank an guy and discover that he's still looking at the stack of pipes I was hiding behind but stealthily sneaked out from behind.
The AI is cowardly, theres always one that runs off. One guy ran about 100 feet towards a big gate just passed the loading zone for the next map and decided to hide behind said gate as soon as i shot towards him. He never did come back.
I liked the arena idea at the bar though, shame it only gave me a few goes at my current level but i can see that being fun later
Mouse 3 defintitely works as I have it as a secondary reload button, otherwise they claim that buttons 4 and 5 will now work with the latest patch that has been released
I agree that the PDA is a pain the arse to use and some of the missions don't seem to work properly. (Find a monster body part especially as he doesn't want to know when I bring him bits). Also I found that when I finally got hold of a scoped gun I couldn't hit people for toffee, despite them being stationary and near my bullets just seemed to miss or do no damage
I'm just inside the lab atm and it is fucking creepy and I have jumped several times so far and it is very very win