To stir things up a bit i decided to kill a random person in the medical hut and declare it an assasination on behalf of the colon police. Then i got this:
The ghostly voice of lacuna whispers “Me. I'd like to question your authority.” (2007-03-09 13:58)
The ghostly voice of lacuna whispers “Especially since you are associated with 5punk, and one of your kind (Dr Kb) keeps an alt around just to kill me. So yes, I'd question your authority. You worthless pirate turd.” (2007-03-09 14:06)
The ghostly voice of lacuna whispers “I hope the people of York rise up and strike your worthless Colon police down. I'll be seeing you, cashtart.” (2007-03-09 15:02)
Hardly any vegetation is here. There are a few small plants sprouting from the soil but you'd find it hard to get rid of them.
The ground looks like someone has been digging here recently.
Here you can see Simon, and DarkUnderlord.
You say “WILLIES!”
The spectral figure of Keiichi starts dancing around like an idiot (2008-02-26 18:25)
You feel an unknown horse take control of your body. You say “/me” (2008-02-26 18:25)