Killavodka wrote:ill have to keep this in mind over the next few months for a black sheep piss up cud be in order. <a href=" ... x">This</a> is very good for getting you pissed...
Do it! Arrange it before Dog Pants moves though so then I can scrounge a lift.
i'm usually not a heavy drinker. i rarely drink for the sake of drinking. however, i have been reaching for the whiskey quite alot lately. 5punk is slowly seeping into my vains...
You KV, are a cheeky twat, I think I'll make a massive mess on monday, and you can clean it up. Then I will be standing around whilst you work, and laugh at you. Then I'll go and drink beer, whilst you work, then I'll go back to your house and have your sister fellate me, noisily so you hear, so there.
HereComesPete wrote:You KV, are a cheeky Danny Baker, I think I'll make a massive mess on monday, and you can clean it up. Then I will be standing around whilst you work, and laugh at you. Then I'll go and drink beer, whilst you work, then I'll go back to your house and have your sister fellate me, noisily so you hear, so there.
I work in Desktop/Server Support for a utility company.
I enjoy my job, it had it's boring/stressful days but mostly it's pretty easy going, and I can do as little or as much as I want.
Lack of training has always been an issue, as I never have the enthusiasm to learn IT stuff myself in my spare time, and proper training at work is few and far between
Waitress at the Mall of America. It's the biggest mall in America and it has a theme park at the center. Yes. A theme park.
It's a great job because I like talking and meeting people from different places. The menu's easy, the tips are fantastic, and I usually end up going home with about 100 dollars on a good night.
I don't like stupid customers. The ones who think my job is to read their mind and know if they hate mushrooms.
I guess beyond that don't really hate anything about it. :3