Dark Messiah: Might and Magic - PC

Console/PC game reviews by 5punkers

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Dark Messiah: Might and Magic - PC

Post by FatherJack »

Now that PCs able to play this properly are more common, here's a link to the demo:

Most of what this game's about is all there in the demo: traps, skill progression, combat against a few foes.

To add: I think the machine spec required for the full game is actually a little higher than that of the demo, so beware if you struggle with it - my old box with a 6600 had great difficulty with it.

Also, something not seen in the demo is combat against a larger number of foes and some outdoors areas, so here's a ten minute video I made of the first few scenes where you get to see that:
http://files.fatherjack.net/5punk/darkmessiah1.avi 100MB
http://files.fatherjack.net/5punk/darkmessiah-big.avi 250MB (same as above, but with readable text, if you're interested)

Hopefully no spoilers, as it's fairly early in the game - just gives examples of using spells, archery and swordfighting methods of combat.

As for the game itself, it's been criticised mostly for its linearity - and I wouldn't argue with that, but while it most certainly isn't Oblivion, it's an entertaining title with a few more character development choices than just "HL2 with swords".
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Post by ellachen »

Let me get my broom and do some sweeping...
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