just recently for some reason, whenever i start a game or minimize a game to look at something else, when i try and open it back up it seems to flash up on the screen and then minimize its self back to the desktop again. it does this at least over 6 or 7 times before it eventually sticks on the screen and is really starting to piss me off.
a couple of weeks back i made the mistake of installing the nvidia driver update which i think seemed to start it off so i rolled it back to the previous one but am still having the same problem .
thort it mite be spyware or something so im scanning the system now but does anyone know whats happening?
Have you got nVidia desktop or something similar running in the background? Windows seems to think this is 'active' the whole time and minimises anything you put in front of it. I got rid of the thing entirely and it seems to have solved the problem.
Pretty much all my games seem to minimise on a regular basis - the usual thing I'm told is that it must be "background tasks" running. As this could include anything from Xfire to my antivirus stuff, I've more or less given up trying to find out what causes it.
thewombleofdeath wrote:i think nvidia desktop is running so ill try and turn that off and it could be caused by folding@home as spoodie said. ill get back to you soon
If you're not running the console version of Folding@Home, then that is most definitely the problem. Either shut F@H down when you're playing games or switch to the console version. I'm not sure why F@H does this, but I guarantee you it will stop if you close F@H.
spoodie wrote:
Good stuff. Probably not a good idea to run it while playing games anyway.
It really won't do anything bad, outside of this minimizing issue. It sets itself to a low priority so it only uses your CPU when it isn't doing anything else. At the same time since your game will use up most of your CPU, it wouldn't be accomplishing anything anyways when you're playing a game.