as the title reads, it's time i buy a new mouse, as this one is making dodgey moves. i'd like one that is good or even perfect for gaming, not too expensive (i'm looking for something of maximum €30, that's about £20) and not wireless, since having to change batteries in the heat of battle is the worst thing EVAR! it should also feel sturdy in my soft, lady-like hands* so, what advice can you give, dear chaps?
I like wireless mice, for some reason I always seem to get the cord of "tailed" mice caught on something. Either going for one with a regarging "holster" or just buying decent batteries mitigates any "battery-low" frustrations. The Energizer Ultimate Lithium ones seem to last approximately forever.
I've heard good things about Logitech stuff, if you can find one within your price range you probably won't go wrong. I use a Razer Diamondback, and it's lovely, but I'm pretty sure they cost more than £20. Really must remember to bind that thumb button to stuff...
Logitech gaming mice are great. Personally I have a G5 which has a mostly pointless weight adjustment thing but a fairly useful speed indicator. A little over-priced though so I recommend the MX518 like the others.
I'd like to try out a Razorback though, they may be good for my big hand.
I love my 518. MS and Razor meeses always seem a little 'flat' for my fat hands. Also, the in-game sensitivity buttons are really nifty in Beef for spinning the turrets on tanks and sniping.
I was very pleased to discover that you can adjust the mouse speed for the different vehicles/modes in Beef, so I can spin turrets and manoeuvre planes and choopers easily, but not have it hyper-sensitive when running around.
Overwhelming consensus seems to be for logitech mice though.
Dog Pants wrote:
Is ace better or worse than awesome?
BETTAR , it was touch fiddly to map keys to but now I have it sorted its perfect. Comfy, quick and helps me HS people with the shotty in css from 200 yards.