Here's the score, I'm trying to get my flash reader to read an sd card through a Memory stick Duo adapter, it will autoplay it trying to read it then nothing, then repeats, I can't access the drive.
Looked for drivers but no luck yet. Anyone got any previous experiance with one?
SD Cards
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Dunno, but I'll state the obvious in case you missed something:
Try it on a different reader/different card in your reader/both in a different computer to see if one if them's borked
Don't SD cards have a little write protect slider thing? Might cause a problem mebbies
Is the card corrupt? Sol had that problem not long ago.
Try it on a different reader/different card in your reader/both in a different computer to see if one if them's borked
Don't SD cards have a little write protect slider thing? Might cause a problem mebbies
Is the card corrupt? Sol had that problem not long ago.