A little bit of politics anyone?

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Woo Elephant Yeah
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A little bit of politics anyone?

Post by Woo Elephant Yeah »


So who are you all going to vote for then in the UK's elections?

Previously I've always voted labour, but scarily I think this year I may vote for the Tories to get Labour out of power.
I'm not a big fan of the Tories, but I feel Labour don't deserve another turn in government, and the Tory party are the only other realistic alternative.

I'd quite like Tony Blair to be Prime Minister, the Tory party to be in power, and Liberal Democrats as local MP's :lol:

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Post by spoodie »

I've always voted labour and I don't have any real problems with how they are running the country, it's not like an other party will solve all problems ever. But I was thinking I may vote lib dems this time, just hope they dont get into power. :wink:
Woo Elephant Yeah
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Post by Woo Elephant Yeah »

I just feel Labour have been far too soft on immigration issues, and something needs to be done about it.

The only other thing I'd moan about currently is the ridiculous "stamp duty limit" labour have released to help first time buyers :roll:
Roman Totale
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Post by Roman Totale »

I honestly don't think that the Tories are a realistic alternative to the current Government.

If you look at Labour's recent track record compared with that of the Tories, there really is no comparison. Remember that with the last Tory government (of which Howard was Home Seceretary), we saw interest rates rise 5% in one day. People seem to forget the days of +10% interest rates, can you imagine if that happened now - would you be able to keep up the repayments on your mortgage?

Then there is Howard's "Judge Dredd" attitude to 'yobs': Put the fear of god into them, lock them all up for small offences. Does he really think that will work? You're telling me that every streetside scrote and scally is now just going to sit in in the evenings and not go out anymore? No chance. How's about improving local facilities and not building over football parks instead.

Plus a note about the prisons: Britain's prisons are currently ocercrowded and understaffed, yet the Tories want ot build more. It would be interesting to see how they could afford this because they claim that they will cut taxes. And increase the police horse. And remove all speed cameras. And improve hospitals. And continue public spending. To me, the figures just don't add up. And when you get several senior Tories hinting that they would actually cut public spending, I start to get a little suspicious.

All in all, I don't think that a single subject such as immigration (which to be honest isn't as big an issue as is made out to be) should warrant a complete political turnaround.

I will continue to vote for Labour. In the main they reflect my own viewpoints (though not all the time), and their track record is good (though it could be better). However I also hope that the Lib Dems become the next opposition party. Afterall the role of the opposition is to challenge the Government about it's decisions and policies, with a view to make the country run better, and I do not beleive the Tories fit the bill.

Or vote Monster Raving Looney Party.
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Post by viper_2090 »

i actually don't know what i'm gonna do yet.... thanks for reminding me! I need to look at what everybody says they are going to do, and also consider labours past 8 (?) years as they don't really seem to have done much apart from keep us away from the Euro
Roman Totale
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Post by Roman Totale »

Tory Manifesto here:

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/bsp/hi/p ... ifesto.pdf

No suprise that Howard once again mentions he is "the son of immigrants".
comrade yannnovski
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Post by comrade yannnovski »

I traditionally would vote Labour, but after the whole Iraqi war there is no way in the world I could vote for them. My principals/upbringing means I could never vote Tory, so that leaves Lib Dems then.

I sincerly hope the Tories dont get in, I know the Lib Dems wont get in, so does this mean I want Labour back in? ARghhhhhhh
Dr Zoidberg
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Post by TezzRexx »

It's a bit like Alien verses Preditor the movie

No matter who wins, we lose

They're both liars & I think the tories have a huge chance of getting realected. I'm 18 now, and that means I'll be voting for the first time but I seriously cannt come to a conclusion on who I will vote for in the end.
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Post by SquinteyeMckneecap »

Whoa, some deep intellectual depate :shock:

I like it...........

I agree with roman on the whole 2 big party thing. I think I will vote labour only to not see the blue in again, and I've never voted before.

But I do also think that the real people who run the government (the civil service) never change, so now matter who you vote for the same people will be running it day to day and influencing the decisions made no matter what party are in meaning that at the end of the day it will all be a paired.

And why is the house of lords still around? Inbreds who inherit their power rather than earn it by vote and decide what goes on?

Squinty :wink:
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Post by Nickface »

I hope your election goes better for you than our last election went for us. ;)
Woo Elephant Yeah
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Post by Woo Elephant Yeah »

Nickface wrote:I hope your election goes better for you than our last election went for us. ;)
Let's all have a vote....

I WIN!!!*

*100% FACT
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Post by wyrd »

Roman_Totale wrote:Or vote Monster Raving Looney Party.
amen ;)
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