KillZone: Liberation (PSP)
Probably one of the most original shooters I've played, as it takes you into a beautifully done Isometric view of the Battlefield.
Not only are the graphics some of the best I've seen on a handheld, it also feels like you are playing something very different to that of any other shooter in the past.
It gets around the lack of a dual analog on the PSP by auto aiming at an enemy nearby that you are facing, or further away if you choose a weapon such as a sniper rifle.
You also have to use cover lots, and shooting nearby explosive barrels, and teasing spider mines into walking into enemies is also a lot of fun as well
This game is more about tactics than being a good aim, and I have had to replay levels over and over again until I work out a strategy that works on the map, and it's the tactical side of the game that I'm suprisingly enjoying the most, as tacticts/strategy is not my usual cup of tea.
You also have to command team mates on quite a few fo the maps, plus you can share the game and play co-op with anyone who has a PSP regardless of whether they have the game or not.
Definitely worth the £20 at GAME considering it's not long been released, and probably my second favourite PSP title.
If you fancy it, there is a demo in the /downloads area of 5punk.
8 out of 10 (Beautiful looking and original shooter that can interest those of us who want something a little different to play than your average FPS)
Daxter (PSP)
Without a doubt the best platform title to date on the PSP hands down.
Almost every review you read will tell you the same, and with good reason, as the graphics are awesome, the controls are perfect, and the lack of any load times whatsoever in-game, and the large world you explore between levels makes for a highly enjoyable title.
I was a fan of the original Jax & Daxter on the PS2, however the sequels to these were far too "open" and involved too much going backwarda and forwards between levels, but in Daxter they have got this just right.
It is a little easy to complete, but the replay value is still there due to the great bonus games, and hidden items to find within each of the levels.
9 out of 10 (One of the best platformer games I have played in several years hence the high score)
Star Wars Battlefront II (PSP)
I've played this on other consoles and enjoyed it enough to think that buying it on the PSP was a good idea. Oh dear, how wrong I was.
The lack of a dual analogue stick makes this came become almost unplayable as there is no auto-aim feature whatsoever, and the chance of lining up a long range shot (which was always necessary in the game on other consoles) is nigh on impossible.
The graphics are pretty poor as well, and add this to long loading times, well you can kind of guess the end result.
Very poorly ported across to the PSP, and I will avoid all FPS games on the PSP in future, unless they've been made specifically with the PSP controls in mind.
3 out of 10 (What should have been a quick fun game, has been turned into an uncontrollable ugly turd)