daemon tools ERROR!

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daemon tools ERROR!

Post by Joose »

So i....er...uninstalled DT by mistake. Dont ask how. It was silly.

But now, for some reason, it wont re-install again. After the point in the installation where it asks about SCSI drives, it brings up a "system file write error" and stops the install.

The uninstall, whilst stupid and unintentional, was a proper uninstall, not just a deleting of the folder or anything like that.

Any clues?
Home-made Big Daddy
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Post by fabyak »

check and see if anything has been left in the registry?

prob in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\<name> if there is anything

Otherwise CCleaner or System Mechanic to try and get rid of any stuff which has been left behind

p.s. /me bums for old times sake

p.p.s. ERRORZ!
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Post by friznit »

A relatively commons problem. The uninstallers for these emulators sometimes can't remove the emulated drives properly which leads to a conflict on re-install.

Code: Select all

Go to Windows Device Manager.
Find the D-Tools DVD-ROM drive - it is called Generic DVD-ROM SCSI.
Uninstall the device.
Find the D-Tools SCSI controller - it is called "D347PRT SCSI Controller" or something similar. It can have a completely different name too - you were prompted for one when you installed D-Tools.
Open the propeties, Driver tab, click Driver Details.
Note the driver file name.
Uninstall the SCSI controller.
Open the system registry.
Find and delete any entries regarding Daemon Tools (search for Daemon and -Tools, you know the score.  Usual backup shit applies).
Find and delete any entries regarding the SCSI controller (search for a part of the driver file name and the device name you had in Device Manager). Again, common sense and think twice before deleting.
I've usually been able to reinstall quite happily after that. But if you want a totally clean uninstall, do also:

Code: Select all

Reboot Windows into safe mode (tap F8 at startup).
Delete the driver file you wrote down before.
Restart the computer.
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Post by Joose »


DT is now working fine and dandy.
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Post by cashy »

aha i had that problem. i took the noob route though, i grabbed a torrent of alcohol 120(ah thenk)%
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