Well in my old clan i was called [M<vis] which was meant to look like a crazy way of spelling Mavis (my work nickname). However everyone called me McVis which was wrong so i changed it to Maniac. At the time when i played way too much CSS i was quite a good shot with the M4 so my name changed once again to M4niac.
The chicken part comes from the habit i used to have of running like a 'M4niac'.....get it? into the enemy killing a few, running out of health and then scarpering off to Tactically Wait Patiently.
My hotmail account and initial online name is/was Lwoxanna...
People have had trouble pronouncing it, so I shortened it to Loxy and it's stuck. I am so used to people calling me it, that I answer to my proper name or Loxy as well as each other. I've even considered a number plate for my car with some version of Loxy.
Loxy wrote:My hotmail account and initial online name is/was Lwoxanna...
People have had trouble pronouncing it, so I shortened it to Loxy and it's stuck. I am so used to people calling me it, that I answer to my proper name or Loxy as well as each other. I've even considered a number plate for my car with some version of Loxy.
Originally "Pixie On Speed": This came from when I was in a chemistry lesson, and basically the girl on the other side of the table says to me "woah.. you look really freaky when you do that".. "Its like.. I guess.. a pixie, but like on speed"
"I look like a pixie on speed?"
That stuck for internet stuffs.
And then it evolved into "pixie pie" when I decided I wanted a more fluffeh name, and because I love the pies, pixie pie just.. works.
(I'd like to add, I don't think I look a thing like a pixie, I mean aren't pixies small creatures with pointy ears?*..)
I preferred my spelling of it....but there were various spellings of it on the net, wasn't sure which one was correct, settled on the one I use. Also, I liked the shortened version - 'Loxy'...it worked, end of. At least, if I've spelt it wrong, no-one else can nick it!
I think I was just really hungry for salmon that day.
Plus, I'd already used all my nicknames (Nancy, Nancy Pants, and Nancy Wombat) about a thousand times, so it was really time for something new.