This morning my sister emails me complaining her computer is doing the WGA "you have a dodgy copy of windows" thing.
Only, my sister's computer is using a legit copy of windows that came with her dell.
So, i send her keyfinder, get her to run it and tell me the key, which MS flags as
So, i send her my lovely dodgy windows key and get her to change her windows to use the dodgy key. lo and behold!The product key used to install your copy of Windows was issued to an organization that is no longer using the key her windows is using.
If you believe you are a valid user of this key, contact the organization from which you purchased your PC for assistance.
If you received a computer with a VLK and you do not have a Volume License Agreement with Microsoft, you may be a victim of software counterfeiting. Learn how to get genuine below.
Thank you for running the Windows Validation Assistant. It appears that your Windows Product Key is valid.
The moral of the story? Microsoft are dumbasses.