Hey, I was wondering wether you guys do any training together? As I have just started playing, and guess what? I keep dying out of 2 hours playing or so, I have made 4 kill and about 50 deaths! hehe! Thanks
some of the weapon charactaristics (like accuracy and general effectiveness) are different. For the most part it's the same.
One of my favorite tactics is the TMP rush. One time on aztec I rushed the dd's and managed 2 headshots in a giant group of terrorists. Of course, I was mercilessly cut down by an AK as soon as I ran in.
Me and Ty had a little training session yesterday, along with my comrade [FA]Phoenix, against some random joinees of my server. We can do that again, sometime, everyone's invited!
YAY!! Can't wait, thanks again dude, it came in very helpfull playing today! Managed to kill mucho germans and yanks! hehe! Still not vrery good though! I have found ym favourite gun :D