So, first week is up and it's not been a bad start.
DCUO suprised me, in a pleasant way - not in that Crying Game kind of way. Sure there are problems, the UI is a bit in your face and requires some tweaking before it stops getting all in your face and calms down (Settings>UI>Screen Scale & Chat Font Size) and there is a definate sense of deja vu as you play but CoX isn't around anymore so I don't see that as too much of a problem.
The combat is an interesting beast, I havn't tried it on PS yet but I suspect it works rather better with a joypad than it does a mouse, it's combination of beat em up button mashing and standard MMO style skills is refreshing after so many EQ clones.
Travel powers are pretty groovy too, I only got chance to really try out the acrobatics but it felt involved. I upgraded to employ a grappling hook and now I'm swinging about like Spiderman (yes I know, wrong universe) and it feels more involved than just flying around in the sky. Travel powers can also be upgraded to be usable in combat - that grappling hook? Remember Scorpion from Mortal Kombat?...
Graphically we are not looking at Crysis here, it is CoX+ as far as that is concerned but its bright and brash and it won't make your eyes bleed.
Refreshingly the styling of your hero is pretty easy to change, you are not stuck with the same style all the time, you collect armour styles as you equip them and these can be selected at any time no matter what your armour actually looks like. No messing about with consumables and transmutations, just select the slot and select the style...simple (well, simple once Joose pointed it out to me)
So, what does F2P eliminate.
You might find that some super powers are locked out as purchasable DLC (these include mission arcs and other stuff not just powers) I wanted to play as a Green Lantern but thats a 6 quid DLC pack. DLC packs also block you from really customising and using your "lair"to it's fullest, the base game teases but never really puts out in that regard.
There is a cap on how much money a character can have at any one time. This is a paltry $1500 with anything else going into Escrow, but this filters back into your main wallet as soon as you spend any. Downside is, if there are items out there costing $1501 you can't buy them.
Character slots are down to two, but all weapons and powers are unlockable on one character should you so wish so that this isn't much of a handicap. It stops you seeing all the mentors story lines but thats about it.
Should you play it?
If you liked CoX you will like this, there is enough different about this that you won't be bored and there is enough familiar that you won't be totally lost either. It is un-offensive, doesn't cry at you to return every day to renew whatever and it is easy to flit in and out of. The F2P version is pretty solid, no glaring paywalls in your face and no obvious P2W either. There is no good reason to not try it really.