Brighton Rock - based on a graham greene book about small time brighton crooks and a girl who falls for one. rather cerebral, intentionally dated and rather lovely. I would have liked to see more of the relationship between Helen Mirran and John Hurt (this movie hits heavily enough that these two are support roles) but good in a really good way
Hanna - certainly less cerebral than Brighton Rock, this is Nikita meets Leon with a touch of Bourne thrown in. Generally good entertainment, lots of a blond teenage girl running around killing stuff. missed something in the plot for me, the reveal wasn't really very satisfying but generally worth the time
44 Inch chest - ostensibly about a "real man" dealing with the emasculation of finding out that his wife's leaving him for a waiter. In reality 2 hours of Ray Winston alternating between balling his eyes out and beating his wife up. John hurt appears (again) as a foul mouthed hoodlum. I have no problem with the notion of Ray Winston doing proper acting but this wasn't very satisfying and not a patch on Sexy Beast
bomberesque wrote:I forgot to mention about Hannah that they could have let her be a bit older so you could have a proper perv without coming over all jimmy saville
saw skyfall in the "avant premiere" here in brussels whilst skiving off work
certainly better than the last one and closed the circle that they had opened with the last two, implying a return to the "good old" bond movies. All in all pretty entertaining which is, frankly, what you want. As far as rebooting the franchise, It's no batman begins but it'll do. Also, they do destroy a DB5, which (CGI or no) was pretty painful to watch
They most certainly did not. There was a couple with their kid in the cinema, who was running around before the film started and well, being a kid. He was pretty quiet after the film ended and I think he's a man now. Or traumatised for life, one of those.
Personally, I really, really enjoyed dredd and it was everything I wanted it to be. The first time I didn't feel like I paid way too much for a 3D film, and like Roman I felt like stomping perps. I also wanted to give voice commands to my bike.
One thing that struck me as odd though was how the judge's bikes were super futuristic (loved the design of those, very 80's) and everyone else drove around in old volkswagen vans and mini coopers.
Mr. Johnson wrote:One thing that struck me as odd though was how the judge's bikes were super futuristic (loved the design of those, very 80's) and everyone else drove around in old volkswagen vans and mini coopers.
Having not seen the new one and with only vague memories of the original, isn't that to do with everyone living in the mega cities, with a huge division between rich and poor, therefore lots of slums and making do with old crap? Not unlike developing countries' big cities today really.
This has got to be the event film of the year. It looks incredible in 48 frames/second 3D and sets the new standard, taking the crown from Avatar. And unlike Avatar the story isn't too bad, but very baggy, making the film too long. Some of the scenes are great, living up to the LoTR standard and better in places. It's really something that should be seen at a properly equipped cinema, as it's the visuals that stand-out. On the small screen it'll probably be average with a couple of stand out scenes.
This has got to be the event film of the year. It looks incredible in 48 frames/second 3D and sets the new standard, taking the crown from Avatar. And unlike Avatar the story isn't too bad, but very baggy, making the film too long. Some of the scenes are great, living up to the LoTR standard and better in places. It's really something that should be seen at a properly equipped cinema, as it's the visuals that stand-out. On the small screen it'll probably be average with a couple of stand out scenes.
I would probably have agreed with Spoodie had I not fallen asleep repeatedly during the movie, as it was I was so bored that by the time the action sequences came around a sense of apathy had stolen the whole show.
Best seen on blu-ray from the comfort of your couch.
Went to see this yesterday, and was pleasantly surprised. I was thinking Tarantino had gone a bit off the boil with Inglorious Basterds, but Django Unchained is arguably one of his best films ever. Foxx and Waltz were superb, and although I dont think this was DiCaprios best part ever he still did a damn fine job. Its a bit long, but I didn't feel like it was *too* long. The blood looked exactly like ketchup, but I suspect that was a stylistic choice. I dont think ive ever laughed at a KKK lynch mob before. Samuel L Jacksons old man act/makeup wierded me out a bit.
Finally, a note to Quentin: You could have just *implied*. I really, really didn't need to actually see Foxx's flaccid upside-down penis. Thanks.
Me too. I wanted to see what the fuss was about and expected to get a bit bored during the 3 hours, but not a bit of it. It is too long, but if it was shortened the scene with the lynch mob complaining about their hoods would probably have gone. Totally unnecessary, but very entertaining.
Samuel Jackson's best performance in a long time. What a nasty piece of work.
Apparently there are several reviews stating this is the best Iron Man film so far. I disagree. In fact I would go so far as to say it is the weakest. Positives first though.
The Good - slick dialogue, several parts that made me "laugh out loud". Probably the funniest of the Iron Man films to be fair. Guy Pearce is, as in most things he's in, very good - I didn't expect him to be in the film as much as he was. Before the film came out there was much speculation on how the Mandarin would be portrayed - would he have magic rings like in the comics? I won't give anything away, but I thought they covered it well (although it was a little obvious).
The Bad - actually there's just one thing here, but it lets down the entire film: the plot. The story just seems to stumble from one event to the other, and it just doesn't flow very well. It felt like one episode taken out of the middle of a TV series. It's a bit of a confusing mess to be honest (not in a "I don't understand what's going on" way, but more that story strands seem to be picked up then forgotten about). I also thought the finale was a bit dull and rather repetitive.
I'd probably give it 6 or 7 out of 10. Where bands have a "difficult second album", I think there must be a similar rule with third films, because I thought pretty much the same about the last Batman (however I wasn't praying for Iron Man to finish, unlike TDKR).
Note: the end credit scene is after all of the credits. I wish they'd done an Avengers and put it after the 'graphics' credits - I was bustin for some bladder relief.
I think I'll try and get this seen next week before Belgium bash.
I'm excite about Thanos and the infinity gauntlet. Also Thor apparently goes to svartalfheim in the next film, so with that introduced maybe there will be an iron destroyer suit in Stark's inventory for avengers 2.
And I want a new hulk film with Ruffalo that's better than the last one which was better than the ang lee one which was utter drivel.
Joose wrote:Is it worth staying through the credits, or will I be ok to watch some shitty youtubed cam of the post credits thing?
In other words will it make me go "Oooooooooh! " or "oh, ok"
It made me go: "That wasn't worth waiting for." And the music is obnoxiously loud throughout the credits, so it was difficult to talk while waiting.
But I thought the film was very entertaining. Not particularly being a fan of the series or Robert Downey Jr. I'd say they're all pretty much on par with one another. Although the dialogue was much funnier in this latest one, as Joose has said.