Not sure how we'll squidge Thor already having met Glib into the storyline, but since we were both unconscious at some point it's highly probable we both suffered mild memory loss. Perhaps we dream of kindly clerics bringing us back from the brink of death, retarded half-orcs surrounded by dancing lights and riding dogs rampaging around ripping monsters apart, but dismiss it as obvious fantasy.
Thor had ventured a little further from his home in the forest, having noted a lot of the area having been recently deforested. His awesome human eyes which work perfectly in daylight spied a couple of characters in the shade, who he approached:
Also I expanded Thor's wiki entry with some stuff I meant to show everyone off his character sheet, but forgot.Thor: Howdy neighbour. Folks call me Thor Yngve, I'm a woodsman from over yonder. That your friend over there? Tell him to come out and say hi, I cain't hardly see him in all that shadow.
Thor: Trees round here look a lot thinner than last time I was in these parts.
Orovan: greetings, this is camila a denizen of a desert in the far west * orovan steps beside his companion and reaches up pats the camels side* we have been travelling together for a few short years now, we have been resting in around parts of this forest for about a fortnight before we where going to begin our travels again, i feel this place has a burden not held by places ive passed before
Thor: (to camila) Whoa, now aint you a beauty. Bit out of your comfort zone here in the forest though, eh?
Thor: (to orovan) Now I don't know about "burdens" but if you're saying this place is seeing some dark goings-on then you're damn right. I seen some black goings-on round these parts of late - goblins, orcs..who knows what else in the shadows. Something bad's happening and I don't like it in my forest.
*camila warily eyes the stranger but doesnt shy away*
Orovan: this is indeed the meaning my words carried, i must say i am curious as to what it is that the cause of these happenings are, i would not much like to see it spread further into the land
Thor: Well, the causes I don't know much about. Just seeing what's happening plain as you seem to. As I said, I don't much like it, and I'm a-guessing you don't much like it none either.
Thor: Now ordinarily I wouldn't concern myself none with such matters, but this taint's right on my doorstep and seems fixin' to keep on going 'til there aint nothin' left of this forest. That don't sit right with me, and I intend to see what's the cause of it. I'd sure 'preciate any assistance if y'all can give it, but t'aint your forest, so I'd understand if you're just passin' through.
Orovan: the forest is not any persons possession, it is its own and everyones, yet if there are those that would see it gone then you are right, i do not like it.
Thor: I 'aint claiming ownership, she's my home, and I'm her's jus' as much as she's mine. I live here and I work here, and without her I 'aint got no life. Those fancy folks would prob'ly call it a Vested Interest, but I know bad when I see it, and it has it's stink all over this place. Glad to have you along, partner. And you (to camila) friend.