(Straight C&P from the SHC game, we can change to suit ourselves)
-First player generates a world and picks a starting location. We could use a pregen if it makes life a bit easier.
-You have 1 week from the last person finishing to complete 1 year of DF time and submit your saved game.
-When you are finished, you should post a summary of your exploits, preferably with screenshots. This is the entire point of this thread, so if you don't want to do it, go play by yourself!
-If you have to stop playing early, the next person in line will finish your year and then complete their year.
-Massive failures are to be recovered from if possible. Loading from a previous save is only to be done if someone can't/won't submit a working save or the fortress is completely, irrecoverably fucked up within the first 4 years.
-NO HACKS. This will be a 100% vanilla game (tilesets allowed ofc).
-If you unleash a terrible megabeast DEAR LORD I WILL END YOU unless you kill or trap it
Code: Select all
AFK Pants
PASSED (upon request you will be placed after the current turn)
Saves can be uploaded to DF File Depot