Lego Universe - The MMO

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Lego Universe - The MMO

Post by friznit »

I thought it was a bit odd that Lego hadn't embraced the IT revolution beyond allowing the odd Star War game loosely based on their franchise. But I suppose if they made a virtual lego builder like minecrack they'd impinge on sales of the real stuff. It would, however, be more addictive than nicotine soaked coffee wrapped in chocolate and dusted with crack. Actually that sounds pretty revolting.

Some quick googlage reveals a 3D Lego builder, but it's a bit shit.

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Dog Pants
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Post by Dog Pants »

There's a lego MMO in development that hints at having some freeform building options, but I'd be surprised if it wasn't too limited to be any real fun.
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Post by spoodie »

I've been keeping a fairly close eye on the Lego MMO. It's obviously very child friendly and as predicted doesn't involve that much free-form block building, but it does have some.

Apparenelty you can sign up for the beta -
Which I'm attempting to do now. It's been open for a while but I wasn't bothered.

Here there are some videos of the gameplay - ... es#Content
Towards the end of video #3 there's a demonstration of the free-form building aspect.
Shambler In Drag
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Post by Akiakaiu »

I'm going to guess Friz found the Roblox mmo. My son plays it, so it's fun for an 11 year old I guess hehe.
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Post by friznit »

No, but should I?
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