FatherJack wrote:I find it a bit uncomfortable when they butcher classic and even vintage cars, but they likely would've rusted away without their intervention.
to a degree, but mostly they're things that are in an running but not much more state, so I figure anything's an improvement. especially given the result will get looked after properly.
Have we done this yet? Yet another "FBI working with wacky scientist" thing. Think X-Files meets Warehouse 13. When it's doing X-Files it's not too bad. There is a decent conspiracy idea building and the action and effects are OK. When it's doing the W13 bit it falls on it's arse. They seem to use the "Fringe" science as a mechanism to get round any of those pesky plot and continuity problems. Frankly, it gets a bit daft at times.
Up to ep 5 now and I think I'll probably manage the full season (first season finished in May).
Worth a look.
Oh, and it's a J.J Abrams job. I've never seen any of his stuff but I gather some people aren't his biggest fans.
I watched the whole first season and as you said it got a bit daft...quite daft at times. Its like they don't have a real plan...they just keep throwing stuff at us. Maybe it was in its "Beta" stage and they're going to release the full version this season...which is starting soon...
I didn't, but I'd been interested in the events all day previously. The BBC chose a photo of him for their reports that looked like he was saying "fuck off", and the newspaper I saw used a picture with him lit from below so he looked like satan. Amused me.
I don't think they were ever going to give him an easy ride, and if he went on thinking that it would be unbiased, he's even stupider than he looks.
I think their rise in popularity is mainly because of protest voting, and they will plateau as people realise what a nightmare it would be with them in power.
However, all the main parties should take that protest voting as a warning, and not forget who they are supposed to represent when they make decisions.
If they did a bit more to appease the general population and make a few more common sense decisions, i think the BNP support would die off quite quickly.
The BNP won a seat in the next constituency from mine not long back, although I believe it was taken off them (which is a whole other argument in itself). Where I'm from a lot people vote for the BNP because they can appear to be the only white politician to choose from, and with a relatively high ethnic population they feel, rightly or wrongly, that they're the only people who wil stick up for them. I don't know how much of this is true, I've not lived there in 10 years, but it's how a great deal of people feel.
I would disagree with the protest vote as a warning idea, purely because I work with people who's casual racism makes me laugh in their faces it's that bad. I think you're giving them too much credit in terms of intelligent voting.
I got told by one mindless bigot that she had changed from conservative to bnp because she was fed up of all the foreign dole scum and at the same time fed up with them taking all the jobs. I didn't bother to point out the flaws.
There's people in the office who will quite merrily sit a few metres away from someone born a few miles away, but with a darker skin tone, and spout on about paki's, niggers, wops etc etc and then not expect any comeback because they know they're right.
This is of course in support of a party that picked an image of a spitfire and surmounted it with a message about polish types and how they should fuck off, but they used a polish spitfire ace's plane in the picture.
As for griffin, the people who say that this has helped legitimise his views obviously didn't watch the show or to my mind are just as blinkered as he is in their quest for equality. He got a pasting from everyone else on there and looked like a fool.
I think the bbc could have easily skirted around the impartiality thing and not put him on, but they had balls and did and it's not helped his cause as far as I'm concerned.
I didn't watch it, but if it's true that they just took the opportunity to lambast him then they may have done more harm than good by making a martyr of him. I think he's perfectly capable of making himself look like a brutish, racist idiot, but it seems that last night only served to rally his supporters to him in defence of what they see as persecution. People in work were saying "he was actually making some reasonable arguments, and the audience were just jumping on him". It would have been far better to treat him as anyone else and let his true (smug, obnoxious) personality shine through. It would also have been far more democratic, but far be it from the media to not meddle in politics and try to influence the public.
Griffin did look like an arse, and is now apparently bleating about it being a lynch mob. I guess he'd know how to recognise one.
I think they rather missed the point about votes for his lot being "protest" votes. As uncomfortable as it is to acknowledge, there are loads of massive racists in this country who vote for them fully cognizant of what they stand for.
It was a big hit for the BBC, I think I heard there's was 4 times as many viewers as there usually is. All the attention can only be a good thing for them, especially as they're on the "good" side of all the media hype this time. Although I can't help thinking their intentions were tarnished by the kangaroo court type proceedings. I don't imagine it could have gone any other way, but it certainly didn't come across as impartial.
Even so, it was very amusing. His arguments about an indigenous British people were especially funny and ill-informed.