Your Computer Is Trying To Kill You
Here is an interesting statistic for you, computers are the number one killer of people killed by computers. We are all gonna die horrible computer related deaths. If it is hooked to a HDTV (all you HTPC owners) the chances of death are doubled. Thanks to Jonathan Gray for the linkage.
But while most injuries were to the extremities such as the arms or legs, young children were five times more likely than other age groups to sustain a head injury. "It's a pretty significant problem, given that computers are in most homes these days and many homes have more than one," said study author Lara McKenzie, an assistant professor of pediatrics at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.
Publish Date: Tue, 09 Jun 2009 15:06:00 CDT
From 1994 to 2006, injuries caused by people tripping over computer wires or getting hit by falling equipment rose from about 1,300 a year to 9,300 a year, an increase of 732 percent nationwide.
Umm. Perhaps because in 1994 hardly anyone had a PC?
Ever wondered how many 2006 World Cup players didn't know their National Anthem? Had tantrums? Feigned injures? Probably not.
I love reading stuff like this.
This kind of guff is the bread and butter of the successful pub quiz brain. Apparently the average person forgets 80% of memories stored per day. I lose all the ones like which way pants go on, or how to put food in mouth not on face because my head is filled with factoids.