Any good? I hear there is an exactly the same version of this mouse out there with the same exact specs etc however, it doesn't contain FIRE and is considerbly cheaper? A4-TECH XL-740K?
Sidenote: Apparently I can't tell the difference between the ENTERTAINMENT section and the HARDWARE section.
I also have a G5 and I have to say it does make a difference. The feeling of momentum is totally different. Instead of the mouse feeling like an empty shell, it feels like something with actual mass, and the amount is easily tailored to your preference. It's not something that I'd go out of my way for, but it is a welcome feature.
And there isn't really a direct American equivalent for chavs, but ricers and wiggers (a.k.a. white nig**rs) sort of fill those roles. Also, guidos.
As for the mouse, seems a bit serious business/l33t with that paintjob, but I like it in a shameful fast and the furious way. Dunno if it's any good, but buy it if you want it is my advice.
mx518 is gooood, solid as a brick (a brick made of plastic, but still a brick) good button layout (I never use the sensitivity and maximize buttons though) and not too expensive as well.
Mr. Johnson wrote:mx518 is gooood, solid as a brick (a brick made of plastic, but still a brick) good button layout (I never use the sensitivity and maximize buttons though) and not too expensive as well.
the G5 is the never one, with tilty wheel, and massive feets.
spoodie wrote:It's good. The variable weights are a bit pointless but otherwise an excellent mouse.
They're kinda pointless, Since I got the weight right for me, I've not touched them, but I do like the ability to add a bit of weight to make it feel how I want it