Following helpful advice from you guys, when my PC BSoDed at me last night, it didn't disappear instantly and I grabbed a photo of it. However, googling the codes seems to turn up all sorts of crap, so I thought I'd turn to you helpful guys to point me in the right direction. The codez were:
The photo is on my phone and would take ages to sort out getting it on the intertubes. However, no details of any file on there, just MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION at the top, and those codes under Technical Information at the bottom.
I'll sort out memtest for it tonight, but it booted up fine when I restarted it. It happens very occasionally, but there's no rhyme or reason to it as far as I can see.
Lateralus wrote:The photo is on my phone and would take ages to sort out getting it on the intertubes. However, no details of any file on there, just MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION at the top, and those codes under Technical Information at the bottom.
Goodo, That's usually memory, motherboard, or CPU issues.
Could just be a cold boot issue, or something a little odder/dying.
Overheating is possible too, check that, but It's unlikely as it's an occasional thing.
My vote is for the computer just dying from old age. I think I've finished paying off my car now, so I was going to save for a new large TV, but might have to opt for a PC instead. Just hope it can last out a few more months.
Lateralus wrote:My vote is for the computer just dying from old age. I think I've finished paying off my car now, so I was going to save for a new large TV, but might have to opt for a PC instead. Just hope it can last out a few more months.