Fear wrote:Apparently it has a flaw that allows execution of code with 2 mouse clicks on a naughty page. It also has a flaw that can silently download a file to your desktop. Combine the 2 and you've got epic fail.
2 mouse clicks? surely anything malicious can be run in that way.
1 - click link to download
2 - run downloaded file
is this any sneakier?
anyway, apple & security dont mix. their software has had the unhackable reputation for so long that peoples brains have melted into a mush resembeling cheese on toast
ProfHawking wrote:2 mouse clicks? surely anything malicious can be run in that way.
I've not looked at it myself, but apparently with a little social engineering and two mouse clicks you can do this. It runs something already on your pc, but I do see your point.
I'm posting from it right now. I can't say I'm all that impressed. The only time I ever notice a browser's performance is when it's slow, and I usually blame that one the site or the amount of plugins i have for firefox. Also, it's annoying not having a home button right there.
Bah. ReadWriteWeb Some bloke from Google
And of course it's all over El Reg like a rash, coming from various angles.
I can't see how they can keep the EULA as it is without some major shitstorming.