Absolutely, because I'm a fettler, but I've fettled Linux a fair bit too when I've been in the mood (as I mentioned, to the point of gentoo stage 1) then, if I'm bored i'll fettle damn near anything.cheeseandham wrote:In some ways it can be. But I bet you a million pounds that you've spent hours and hours fettling with Windows. You can fettle ( but you shouldn't have to as long as your hardware works)
It said something about modules, I poked about in the obvious places to no avail.cheeseandham wrote:Complicated? To you?I reckon that's just laziness!
If it was something about restricted drivers you just needed to click a checkbox saying you understand the drivers have been made by the manufacturer and are not open, and that Unbutu doesn't know what the hell is inside.
cheeseandham wrote:Another point is, without any windows experience, do you think someone with a fresh Windows XP install that didn't detect the sound properly would be able to install the drivers without a manufacturers CD right next to them? (and quite often, in my experience of support, WITH the manufacturers CD right next to them)
This is true. But if Linux really wants to compete with windows, they need to make stuff, if nothing else. a bit clearer.cheeseandham wrote:Well yeah, it IS different, and I don't think Windows is Mac user friendly either. As someone said above, apples and oranges.
"Made for real people" is completely subjective. You stick anyone in front of a Windows, Mac or Linux machine as their first experience and they'll get used to it. Put them in front of something else after a period of time and they'll fall over themselves telling you how unintuitive the new system is.
The soundcard thing was a perfect example, it told me stuff I didn't understand and only then after I poked about trying to find out if i had sound.
Windows, install new hardware, it tells you it found it, it tells you to insert the CD, then it does its shit. now I'm not saying that's perfect, but it's what a consumer OS needs to do.
Yes I can install drivers using a command prompt if pushed, but I shouldn't have to.