I've got a new shiny display, it's fast, beautiful, huge, and... only supports up to 1280x1024. Who the fuck designed that, I mean it looks like as if it was 640x480 on my old display. Anyway, is there a tweaky program thing that can go higher than that? Anything I tried so far stubbornly settled down at the highest "officially supported" by the display.
(Note: I'm not a techy. If not being able to do that is because of real world technology, feel free to abuse.)
No, because of the way lcd's work, you really do have 1280x1024 pixels sitting infront of you.
A you can make a crapper resolution scale to fit more than one lcd pixel, but not the other way around (eg using half or 1/4 of an pixel, it's impossible).
Woo yay etc. Sadly my two 21" monitors really do only go as far as 1280x1024. Probably about time I upgraded. In fact I really should upgrade the whole thing given it's nearly 2 years old. But then, I really cba right now