Well, it's the end of an era. We've had a lot of fun over the last few months making fun of Aerosmith, both for their membership among the ranks of the walking undead and for passing mediocre music on an unsuspecting public for decades. But today we must report that, despite our most acerbic cursing into the blogging darkness, Guitar Hero Aerosmith is, in fact, being released. You win this round, Tyler.
So why are we featuring it? Well, you ever see that scene in Hook where Peter gives Hook the dignity of having his hair back, even though they're mortal enemies? It's sort of like that. ... And yes, the closest contender is Purr Pals on Wii. Little bit of column A, little bit of column B.
Metallica's first few (and best) albums all have Mustaine written tracks on them.
Shame they all split and went their own ways, Metallica with Mustaine would probably have been utterly epic if they didn't blow up from egos and the lifestyle once they got bigger.
Strangely enough I dusted off my GH3 "axe" for a few tracks a couple of hours ago, which was fun. Unfortunately I followed it with BF: Bad Company which is infuriating. It seems to have even more Rage™ than the PC versions.
Chickenz wrote:Guitar Hero: Santana edition would be fucking incredible!!
Black Magic Woman on GH3 is one of my favourite tracks. Can't say I know anything else they've done.
I saw with dismay they had WoW music as downlardable content for GH3 on the PS3. I think it's that cheesy "I am Murloc" track.
I have yet to try any of these pretending to play an instrument games: prentending to play the bass sort of appeals, as does pretending to play the drums and they both seem closer to what you actually do when you're actually playing them, but it's a lot of dorrar for the bits if it turns out I don't like it.
Unless the drums can be used as midi input or something afterwards.
HereComesPete wrote:Surely given that it's guitar hero you would don the impressive perm that is Brian May hair?
While the reasoning is true enough, I have to go with the fact that I still want to be Freddie Mercury when I grow up... but without, you know, the whole faaabulous and AIDS thing.