PCG's Tim Edwards takes the prize for being the first guy to make a cock into a character when he went hands on with Spore. Come September, inevitably, millions of others will swiftly join Tim's little fella - making this a release date at least one other way. Being mentally four, I'll probably make one [...]
Author: Kieron Gillen
Category: RockPaperShotgun Grown-up games journalism Man! My cock has a mind of its own Spore
Publish Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2008 15:09:38 +0000

PCG's Tim Edwards takes the prize for being the first guy to make a cock into a characterwhen he went hands on with Spore. Come September, inevitably, millions of others will swiftly join Tim's little fella - making this a release date at least one other way. Being mentally four, I'll probably make one too. For those who are about to cock: we salute you.
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