It's displaying an image that I suspect is at the complete minimium the tube will display at, as well as being curved to the Nth degree and slanted. reset button and re-installing drivers didn't work. Anything else I should try, or time to throw it out?
Tube's probably gone.
I got it from a warehouse that does refurbished monitors and used it for a couple years.
It probably was on its way out, shame it didn't last long though
Hehulk wrote:Sure, anything I can give you in return? Beer? Late night love?
Just give it a good home. It's a decent monitor and I don't have room for it really, but I didn't want to give away to a family member who wouldn't appreciate it.
Grimmie wrote:Tube's probably gone.
I got it from a warehouse that does refurbished monitors and used it for a couple years.
It probably was on its way out, shame it didn't last long though
Fair enough and yes, having dual monitors was nice. Want back now
I still own you beer for it btw, what do you like so I can aquire some for grimbash?