I've just whipped my sister's battery from her car to top it up, replaced it and found the radio is now asking for a code.
The joke of it is ofc, that any 14yo with previous could crack the code in under a minute, however, I cannot.
Has anyone got an application that allows the generation of said code?
The radio is a Peugeot RD1 (stock radio).
I'd sooner get a new radio and firebomb a garage than pay them for it.
Car Radio Codes
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Phone up a proper dealer and they'll give you the code most likely for free, as it's an old car.
Edit: Google wins:
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 944AAN63n3
Edit: Google wins:
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 944AAN63n3
Ask on here: http://www.usedcarmart.co.uk/forum/f27-car-audio.html
They helped me out recently, when my battery died. Saved me a lot of bother so I donated £5 for their help.
They helped me out recently, when my battery died. Saved me a lot of bother so I donated £5 for their help.
Last edited by spoodie on December 14th, 2007, 10:04, edited 1 time in total.